Want to play games? Ditch the Wii controller! 玩遊戲 ?丟掉您的Wii手把 !

Do you remember the brilliant scene in the film Iron Man (2008) in which the main character, played by Robert Downey Jr., creates a robotic arm device in his home laboratory, using 3D virtual reality technology to test the arm?

還記得電影鋼鐵人(Iron Man,2008)裡面男主角Robert Downey Jr.在自己的實驗室研發手臂套件時,透過3D擴充實境技術來測試套件模型的精采畫面?

In June 2009, Microsoft announced the launch of Project Natal, which it claimed marks the beginning of a new era in home entertainment. Microsoft’s goal is to move away from competition between rival game consoles; they have been telling gamers that Microsoft’s objective with Project Natal is not to take on Wii, but rather to provide a range of multimedia, gaming and networking applications for home entertainment use while avoiding a Wii-style product usage environment extension model in which first you buy the console, then you have to buy Accessory A, then you have to buy Accessory B, and so on.

微軟早在2009年6月公佈Project Natal,宣告家庭娛樂的新紀元,試圖跳脫遊戲裝置的戰爭,告訴玩家Natal不是要挑戰Wii,而是提供家庭娛樂的多媒體影音、遊戲、社群等應用,並跳脫Wii的產品使用環境擴充模式,也就是主機+設備A+設備B…。

Microsoft’s slogan for Project Natal is “Use your own gear.” The idea is that, with Natal’s image recognition technology, gamers can turn everyday objects such as their own skateboard into part of the game. Microsoft’s intention is that Project Natal will lead users into a new era of home entertainment. However, Microsoft has to take account of the fact that using image recognition technology to create a new gaming experience will raise concerns among users that Microsoft may be recording their faces and what they are doing.

微軟Natal的口號是「Use your own gear」,宣稱使用者只要透過Natal的影像辨識技術就可將平日所熟悉的滑板或其他用具,成為遊戲一部份。微軟試圖使用project Natal帶領使用者進入新的家庭娛樂紀元,還需考量如影像辨識技術營造新的體驗,使用者會擔心自己的臉與使用行為被微軟紀錄下來。

The digital signage applications development team at the Innovative Digitech-enabled Applications & Services Institute, III (Institute for Information Industry), has been working on interactive technology for outdoor digital signage. As digital signboards have grown larger, the original kiosk-style touchscreen usage model is no longer adequate. The team has developed a new usage model that employs a single low-end web cam attached to the digital signboard. This web came is used to analyze the user’s face to determine their age, sex etc. Besides facilitating interactivity, it also makes it possible to identify the user’s personal characteristics and then provide advertisements suited to these characteristics. By linking back-end data analysis with a smart advertisement display system, the team’s research has created a whole new business model.


The technology that the team has developed has attracted the interest of a number of digital signage companies, and several collaborative projects are already underway. The team’s mission is to raise the overall level of image recognition technology in Taiwan, using high-performance, lightweight core components and integration technology that ensures high software compatibility to integrate hardware and services, creating the potential for a wider range of applications that will encourage firms in relevant industries to adopt the technology. The team hopes that they can achieve an effect in the digital signage business similar to the interest that Microsoft’s Project Natal has aroused.
