【易寬設計 張華騫】屢獲國際大獎!藏身都市叢林中的咖啡店——SMILE COFFEE
這是一間藏身都市喧囂中的咖啡店,業主希望呼應品牌理念,將丹麥的生活哲學「Hygge」置入其中,創造簡約舒適、溫暖樸實的情境氛圍。除此之外,它也是回歸自然、講究質感的代名詞,因此,易寬設計 張華騫 設計總監 連結建物外觀的豐富綠景及木紋清水模牆面,以最低限度的裝修呈現空間本質,搭造一處安放日常的美好寓所,讓前來覓食的訪客於此共享溫馨時光,感受平凡日常中的韶光暖意。
The low-profile coffee shop situated in the hustle and bustle city, which the shop owner expects to indicate the Danish living philosophy of "Hygge" into it that also echoes the brand concept, as well bring about a concise, comfy and heartwarming ambience. The designers merely exploit minimal modify to present the intrinsic quality of the space, so that not only lays out pristine but also delicate texture circumstance, thence shows up a charming environment for the daily life.
For the exterior, lead the plentiful green landscapes that conduce with the wood grain fair-faced concrete wall. Accordingly wish to grant the visitors who come for meals would having a warmth and delightful time.
"Hygge" is a state in which happiness can be felt in the ordinary days, there is no need to arrange deliberately but to create a cozy space with heart. Follow the ideology; we retain the original cement texture of the building, and processing with exploiting the recycled wood. By way of the large area lighting and the hollow pattern, thence construct excellent connection and flowing, as well shapes the natural implication in the urban jungle. Prussian blue as the representative color of the enterprise, which apply on the outdoors canopy, the LOGO on the metope and the indoor sofa. All above embellished with a touch of vivacity in the whole space, moreover lightly emits the notion of the brand.
Take the advantage of the hollowed high ceiling pattern of the original building, and then make use of stairs to connect three different elevations of the space.
Then pay attention to the especially constructed platform loft is connected to the dining area on the second floor with the penetrating glass compartment as the transitional area. The seats here make a directional turning to cooperate the flow of the space. The oblique splice wood plates of the ceiling that add rich layering of vision. Additionally set up the to-go window and exterior seating area, thence coordinate each region to acquire the unique spatial experience, moreover keeps the interaction, and spreads the original intention of the brand to every corner of the space.
By way of processing the recycled used wood; the diffusing light of the bar; the manual spraying words on the planks; endow the building materials a new life. Further to spread the "Hygge" spirit such like refusing excessive extravagance and waste in the whole space. In here, attempt to embrace the essence of life, slow down and readjust yourself as for to own a comfy leisure time.
The long--term winter in North Europe relatively keep people to stay at home, for the purpose of conquer the gloomy and icy perception that caused by the climate, they are much more concerned about the home furnishing lighting and heartwarming ambience. Besides the large area of natural sunlight on the first floor, in particular, arranged the annular lightings of candle shape on the second floor that coordinate with the white loft terrace and the snow mural, which bring about a series of "Hygge" situations. After the removal of shuttering, retained the original appearance and the brick laid hand-grinding texture.
Additionally set up the to-go window and exterior seating area, thence coordinate each region to acquire the unique spatial experience, moreover keeps the interaction, and spreads the original intention of the brand to every corner of the space.
OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒:http://www.openworld.tv/talk/
這是一間藏身都市喧囂中的咖啡店,業主希望呼應品牌理念,將丹麥的生活哲學「Hygge」置入其中,創造簡約舒適、溫暖樸實的情境氛圍。除此之外,它也是回歸自然、講究質感的代名詞,因此,易寬設計 張華騫 設計總監 連結建物外觀的豐富綠景及木紋清水模牆面,以最低限度的裝修呈現空間本質,搭造一處安放日常的美好寓所,讓前來覓食的訪客於此共享溫馨時光,感受平凡日常中的韶光暖意。
The low-profile coffee shop situated in the hustle and bustle city, which the shop owner expects to indicate the Danish living philosophy of "Hygge" into it that also echoes the brand concept, as well bring about a concise, comfy and heartwarming ambience. The designers merely exploit minimal modify to present the intrinsic quality of the space, so that not only lays out pristine but also delicate texture circumstance, thence shows up a charming environment for the daily life.
For the exterior, lead the plentiful green landscapes that conduce with the wood grain fair-faced concrete wall. Accordingly wish to grant the visitors who come for meals would having a warmth and delightful time.
"Hygge" is a state in which happiness can be felt in the ordinary days, there is no need to arrange deliberately but to create a cozy space with heart. Follow the ideology; we retain the original cement texture of the building, and processing with exploiting the recycled wood. By way of the large area lighting and the hollow pattern, thence construct excellent connection and flowing, as well shapes the natural implication in the urban jungle. Prussian blue as the representative color of the enterprise, which apply on the outdoors canopy, the LOGO on the metope and the indoor sofa. All above embellished with a touch of vivacity in the whole space, moreover lightly emits the notion of the brand.
Take the advantage of the hollowed high ceiling pattern of the original building, and then make use of stairs to connect three different elevations of the space.
Then pay attention to the especially constructed platform loft is connected to the dining area on the second floor with the penetrating glass compartment as the transitional area. The seats here make a directional turning to cooperate the flow of the space. The oblique splice wood plates of the ceiling that add rich layering of vision. Additionally set up the to-go window and exterior seating area, thence coordinate each region to acquire the unique spatial experience, moreover keeps the interaction, and spreads the original intention of the brand to every corner of the space.
By way of processing the recycled used wood; the diffusing light of the bar; the manual spraying words on the planks; endow the building materials a new life. Further to spread the "Hygge" spirit such like refusing excessive extravagance and waste in the whole space. In here, attempt to embrace the essence of life, slow down and readjust yourself as for to own a comfy leisure time.
The long--term winter in North Europe relatively keep people to stay at home, for the purpose of conquer the gloomy and icy perception that caused by the climate, they are much more concerned about the home furnishing lighting and heartwarming ambience. Besides the large area of natural sunlight on the first floor, in particular, arranged the annular lightings of candle shape on the second floor that coordinate with the white loft terrace and the snow mural, which bring about a series of "Hygge" situations. After the removal of shuttering, retained the original appearance and the brick laid hand-grinding texture.
Additionally set up the to-go window and exterior seating area, thence coordinate each region to acquire the unique spatial experience, moreover keeps the interaction, and spreads the original intention of the brand to every corner of the space.
OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒:http://www.openworld.tv/talk/