a) 受獎致詞
b) 致敬
c) 真摯
Hollywood actors may be the species who know best how to handle public speaking because that is how they make their living. Their routine work consists of acting spontaneously in front of cameras and the film crew or giving speeches for a film's publicity.
Be genuine, authentic
Mark Rylance 1) beat out other competitors at the 2016 Oscars when he gave an excellent a) acceptance speech on stage;“I've always adored stories — hearing them, seeing them, being in them.” Rylance went on. “So for me, to have a chance to work with one of the greatest storytellers of all time — Steven Spielberg — has just been such an honor.” His sincere b) salute allowed the audience to feel his gratitude. Share a c) genuine heart-felt story to let your emotions show. It creates an immediate and lasting connection with the audience.
Mark Rylance擊敗其他入圍者獲得奧斯卡獎,受獎時發表了一席傑出的演說,「我一向喜歡故事,聽故事、看故事和成為故事的一份子,對我來說,能有機會和世界上最會說故事的人之一,Steven Spielberg合作是莫大的榮幸。」真摯的致敬讓觀眾全都感受到他的感激。訴說一個情感真摯的故事,讓情緒自然流露,就能快速和觀眾建立起強烈的情感連結。
Pause for a second
A poor speaker will be afraid of avacuum, only confident speakers will use the silence as a technique to emphasize important ideas. In 2002, Halle Berry won the Oscar for best actress. She managed to pause as necessary when she was 2) choked up with emotion. The audience could feel the power of her emotion during that moment.
二流的演講者害怕出現空白,自信的演講者則會利用留白加強重點的力道。2002年黑人女演員Halle Berry贏得奧斯卡最佳女演員,上台時情緒一湧而上,所以她適當地暫停致詞,觀眾在那一刻感受到她的情感所創造的力量。
Keep prepared text fresh
Just as the best actors manage to 3) fit into their characters, the best presentations feel like daily conversations, even if one-sided. Make sure you know all the words and where you should pause. Practice a lot before you go on stage and pretend it is the first time you say it.
1) beat out 勝出
Beat out有很多種意思,可表達筋疲力盡、將東西砸扁,這裡是勝出的意思。
He beat out another firm in the bidding.投標時,他擊敗了另一家公司。
2) choke up情緒激動說不出話來
Choke up原指塞滿,衍伸形容因為情緒滿載,像被情緒哽住喉嚨的感覺。
Our basketball team began to choke up in the last quarter.
3) fit into 融入
Fit是適合的意思,也用來說明融入角色,fit讓句子表達更生動。如果要說衣服不合身,也可以用fit ”This dress doesn't fit.”
How does your character fit into the story? 你的角色在故事裡佔什麼位置?
參考資料:Fast Company
a) 受獎致詞
b) 致敬
c) 真摯
Hollywood actors may be the species who know best how to handle public speaking because that is how they make their living. Their routine work consists of acting spontaneously in front of cameras and the film crew or giving speeches for a film's publicity.
Be genuine, authentic
Mark Rylance 1) beat out other competitors at the 2016 Oscars when he gave an excellent a) acceptance speech on stage;“I've always adored stories — hearing them, seeing them, being in them.” Rylance went on. “So for me, to have a chance to work with one of the greatest storytellers of all time — Steven Spielberg — has just been such an honor.” His sincere b) salute allowed the audience to feel his gratitude. Share a c) genuine heart-felt story to let your emotions show. It creates an immediate and lasting connection with the audience.
Mark Rylance擊敗其他入圍者獲得奧斯卡獎,受獎時發表了一席傑出的演說,「我一向喜歡故事,聽故事、看故事和成為故事的一份子,對我來說,能有機會和世界上最會說故事的人之一,Steven Spielberg合作是莫大的榮幸。」真摯的致敬讓觀眾全都感受到他的感激。訴說一個情感真摯的故事,讓情緒自然流露,就能快速和觀眾建立起強烈的情感連結。
Pause for a second
A poor speaker will be afraid of avacuum, only confident speakers will use the silence as a technique to emphasize important ideas. In 2002, Halle Berry won the Oscar for best actress. She managed to pause as necessary when she was 2) choked up with emotion. The audience could feel the power of her emotion during that moment.
二流的演講者害怕出現空白,自信的演講者則會利用留白加強重點的力道。2002年黑人女演員Halle Berry贏得奧斯卡最佳女演員,上台時情緒一湧而上,所以她適當地暫停致詞,觀眾在那一刻感受到她的情感所創造的力量。
Keep prepared text fresh
Just as the best actors manage to 3) fit into their characters, the best presentations feel like daily conversations, even if one-sided. Make sure you know all the words and where you should pause. Practice a lot before you go on stage and pretend it is the first time you say it.
1) beat out 勝出
Beat out有很多種意思,可表達筋疲力盡、將東西砸扁,這裡是勝出的意思。
He beat out another firm in the bidding.投標時,他擊敗了另一家公司。
2) choke up情緒激動說不出話來
Choke up原指塞滿,衍伸形容因為情緒滿載,像被情緒哽住喉嚨的感覺。
Our basketball team began to choke up in the last quarter.
3) fit into 融入
Fit是適合的意思,也用來說明融入角色,fit讓句子表達更生動。如果要說衣服不合身,也可以用fit ”This dress doesn't fit.”
How does your character fit into the story? 你的角色在故事裡佔什麼位置?
參考資料:Fast Company