【英語島讀書會】I, Robot

I, Robot
作者:Isaac Asimov
出版社:Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc.

▎科幻小說作家Isaac Asimov 1942年完成作品《I, Robot》,藉由多個短篇故事講述機器人發展對人類可能的威脅,2004改編成電影《機械公敵》。

文章難度: ★★★★★

photo credit: shutterstock

In his 1942 collection of short stories I, Robot, the famed science fiction writer Isaac Asimov laid the groundwork for many of our modern concerns and ideas about artificial intelligence and what it could be (perhaps even what it is becoming now). Within this book's stories he laid out his Three Laws of Robotics (sometimes called "The Three Laws" or "Asimov's Laws”), demonstrating ethical concerns at the core of any improvement in what is the now commonplace field of machine learning.

著名的科幻小說作家Isaac Asimov在1942年出版了科幻經典《I, Robot》,這本由眾多短篇故事匯集而成的經典,為現代對於未來的顧慮與想像奠定了基礎,許多當時的想像在今日甚至已成事實。作者在書中提出了他著名的「機器人三定律」(又稱「三定律」或「艾西莫夫定律」),並呈現對於「機器學習」的道德顧慮。

Asimov's prose is readable, approachable, and engaging, and his quality of thought shows much influence from his background with hard sciences and literature -- this is the man that coined the term "robotics" without a second thought, thinking himself to be using an already existent word.


Asimov, like many sci-fi writers prior to our modern era, had a hopeful view of the future and its difficulties. The stories in this book hinge on how humans will relate to A.I., how we will set up proper safeguards for their use (as well as preserve ourselves), and how his version of a safeguard, the Three Laws, can be interpreted.


Though the stories in this book are mostly only loosely connected in that they share a universe, there is a steady development among the machines as mankind's control over them begins to loosen and the machines themselves become even more advanced.


Isaac Asimov wrote or edited more than 500 books that were published in 9 of the Dewey Decimal System's 10 classifications. In his lifetime, he was famous for responding personally to all of his mail, as well as his near-superhuman ability to lecture for precisely the correct amount of time without the aid of a timepiece. He was an author totally unlike any other before or since, as whole-heartedly dedicated to the sciences as to his magnificent prose.


It's tempting to call his writing "comprehensible", because much of its beauty and impressiveness lies in how utilitarian it is, but both of these words fail to express the conscientious beauty and majestic logic of his projects.


My father, Paul Farrell, gave me this book when I was 8 years old, and it meant much to me then, but like any classic book it means something completely different and equally great to me now. If you are a reader, a writer, or a scientist, read this book.

我的父親Paul Farrell在我8歲時給了我這本書,那對當時的我來說意義重大。如今雖然讀過許多其他偉大作品,它仍在我心中佔有一席之地。如果你是一位讀者、作者、或是科學家,看看這本書吧。

I, Robot 原著封面

Asimov's 3 Laws of Robotics


1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given by a human being unless it conflicts with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection won’t conflict with the First or Second Law.

*本文收錄於英語島English Island 2018年6月號