According to Lin Chiu-Hsiang, Chairman of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan:Ergonomics is starting to attract more attention, with a new focus on the user experience 中華民國人因工程學會理事長林久翔:人因工程擺脫冷灶 使用者經驗成顯學

The “user experience” concept has been around for nearly ten years now, with leading international corporations such as Google and Apple emphasizing the user-oriented nature of their technology. With ubiquitous computing, the user interface of 3C products has become very important. Through new design based on psychological research, the concept of the user interface will apply not only to products that you can see and feel, but also to virtual interaction and applications that are less tangible, such as sensing, etc. Unlike traditional interface design, the user’s psychology, perception and sensation need to be taken into account; the “intangible interface” and context-awareness are extremely important. If these factors are not taken into consideration, the end-product is likely to be clumsy and awkward, and it will be difficult to achieve natural interaction between user and product.

In interface innovation, the product designer needs to have a thorough understanding of both technology and how the human brain reacts to stimuli. In the future, with robots operating in the home, device interface interaction and communication will need to be “smarter.” The challenge will be to achieve efficient workflow integration, while ensuring that the hardware devices can work effectively with the software and services; innovation will be needed in every aspect of the “4Is” (Interface, Intelligence, Integration and Infrastructure).

In the past, product design has tended to be technology-focused; today, it is user-focused. Innovative enterprises need to create systems that integrate products and services, not just individual products. The development of ergonomics in Taiwan only goes back about 17 years; today, the issue of ergonomic design is starting to attract more and more attention, and the speed at which new technologies integrate ergonomics is picking up.