Enabling technology fire up the mobility industry growth 高通風險投資部中國區總經理沈勁:使能科技 (Enabling Technology) 下一波行動產業重要成長動能

James Shen, Managing Director of China at Qualcomm Ventures, and also Vice President of Qualcomm, believes that “enabling technology” made possible by touch screen displays, will be a major driver of growth for the next wave of development in the mobile industry. And he suggested the next “killer application” will be the device with integrated technologies, just like the “augmented reality” technology could be integrated effectively with the mobile Internet and cloud computing, while also achieving interaction with respect to self-learning software always linking with cloud-computing data centers.
高通(QUALCOMM)風險投資部中國區總經理、同時也是高通公司全球副總裁沈勁認為,由觸控式螢幕所帶動的「使能科技」(Enabling Technology)將是下一波行動產業的主要成長力道來源,而「擴增實境」(Argument Reality)技術和相關應用,若能結合「行動網路」(Mobile Internet)和雲端服務,並能與雲端資料中心具備「自我學習」(self-learning)功能的軟體進行互動,所推出的硬體服務和應用,預料將是下一波殺手級應用產品。

James Shen also explained, Qualcomm is the world-class supplier of IC products for 3G mobile phone handsets, so Qualcomm Ventures has two main investment strategies: Firstly, to expand the number of users of mobile Internet; Secondly, to increase the market share held by 3G handsets and Smartphones.

The success of the iPhone has led to touch screen displays becoming a hot item over the past couple of years, which in turn has made “enabling technologies” a major focus of market interest. “Enabling technologies” are technologies that facilitate the emergence of new applications. For example, the widespread adoption of touch screen displays has led to the appearance of games that make effective use of multi-touch technology, such as “Angry Birds” or “Fruit Ninja” and which have won widespread popularity.
近年由iPhone帶動的觸控式螢幕風潮,讓使能科技成為市場關注焦點。「使能科技」就是「可以讓更多應用實現的科技」,如觸控式螢幕的出現,帶動了「Angry Birds」或「切水果」等廣受市場歡迎的多點觸控螢幕遊戲興起。