【英語島教學實驗室】想對=寫對!Proposal 構思策略

寫不寫得出來關鍵在「構思」而不在「寫」本身。 這次專題,我們談的就是構思策略。美國暢銷作家 David McCullough曾經說過一句話 ”Writing is thinking. To write well is to think clearly. That’s why it’s so hard.“(寫作就是思考,要寫得好就要想得清楚透徹,這也是為什麼寫作困難的原因)


根據調查6-12歲的小孩每天寫大約1000字,12-16歲的學童為2500字,17-23歲的青少年是5000字,24-60歲的成人則下降到2000字,60-70歲的人是200字。以寫作維生的作者,平均每天至少要產出500字,美國作家Stephen King也在他的著作《On Writing》中建議,如果想要提升寫作能力,每天請寫1000字。

那你平均每天寫了多少字呢?還是擔心自己究竟能寫出幾個字?在開始寫之前,請把主題用 FIRM策略檢視一遍。

FUN 帶來樂趣
What is fun about___(topic)? 這個主題的樂趣是什麼?

What is interesting about___(topic)? 什麼地方能引發興趣?

How is the ___(topic) relevant to me and to my life? 跟我有什麼關係?

What is meaning to me about ___(topic)?

What is fun about doing business in Guangdong?
What is interesting about doing business in Guangdong?
How is the topic of doing business in Guangdong relevant to me and to my life?
What is meaningful to me about doing business in Guangdong?

*Rookie Mistakes 新手思考謬誤:若入似是而非的陷阱*

別直接把問題當做你的答案! 你應該要這麼想:

(X) Doing business in Guangdong is a fun idea.
(V) The fun thing about doing business in Guangdong is that I get to travel to and explore this province in China.在廣東做生意,我可以旅行而且探索這個省份。

(X) Doing business in Guangdong is interesting.
(V) The interesting thing about doing business in Guangdong is that it is a very promising new opportunity for my company. 在廣東做生意,能夠為公司帶來全新的大好機會很有意思。

(X) The topic of doing business in Guangdong is relevant to me and to my life.
(V) The topic of doing business in Guangdong is relevant to me and to my life because I enjoy finding creative ways to enhance my company. 在廣東做生意對我跟我的人生息息相關,因為我喜歡尋找創 意的方式增強公司實力。

(X) Doing business in Guangdong is meaningful to me.
(V) The meaningful thing about doing business in Guangdong is that I can help my company make more profit by cutting down the cost of inventory. 在廣東做生意對我來說的意義是,我可以是透過降低庫存的 成本來提高公司的獲利。

*本文收錄於英語島English Island 2017年8月號