An e-pedigree for Grouper fish Wu Chih-Mou works to develop export sales with his “Live Fish Center” brand 石斑的電子履歷 吳智謀打鮮活工房品牌拚外銷
Wu Chih-Mou, CEO of Tekho Company Ltd., has succeeded in applying modern business methods to Taiwan’s traditional aquaculture industry. Wu has used Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to establish “e-pedigree” product traceability for live fish production, and has made the ability to supply safe, healthy food products the core feature of his “Live Fish Center” brand. In 2008, Tekho won the Department of Industrial Technology (Ministry of Economic Affairs) Industrial Innovation Award, and last year the company was honored again in the first annual Hi-tech Agricultural Enterprise Awards.
在「養魚」的傳統行業中,德河海洋生技公司執行長吳智謀將水產這項傳統產業以企業化概念經營,配合RFID(Radio Frequency Identification,無線射頻辨識)技術建置活魚產銷履歷,以安全的食材供應鏈建立起品牌特色。不僅在2008年獲得經濟部技術處「產業創新獎」,去年更再度獲得第一屆科技農企業菁創獎的肯定。
Consumers have gradually become more aware of the importance of food safety. Farmers and fish-farmers are being forced to bear the increased costs of introducing product traceability systems to enhance quality standards, but there has been no corresponding rise in the price that distributors pay to the producers. Boosting product value-added through branding is the only way to stimulate farmers’ and fish-farmers’ enthusiasm for implementing product traceability systems. This is precisely the strategy that Tekho has adopted for its “Live Fish Center” brand. Every fish has its own unique RFID tag which records every aspect of its life, enhancing both consumers’ confidence in the safety and quality of the product, and their loyalty to the brand.
社會漸漸提升食品安全的消費意識,當農漁民必須增加成本來做生產履歷、提升品質,通路商並不會因此提高收購價格。唯有以品牌經營的概念,提升產品附加價值,才能激勵漁民願意投資更多成本,來落實生產履歷制度。德河正是以這樣的方向經營,在「鮮活工房」品牌下,每條魚都掛著自己專屬的身分辨識(RFID tag),完整紀錄它的生命過程,能讓消費者一目了然,產生信任感與品牌忠誠度。
Today, Tekho has 150 hectares of “ubiquitous networked” aquaculture tanks in Cigu Township, Tainan County, all of which conform to environmental protection and organic food product standards. Using RFID control tools, all production information is made public and transparent, which is one of the main factors behind the success of the Live Fish Center production team.
在「養魚」的傳統行業中,德河海洋生技公司執行長吳智謀將水產這項傳統產業以企業化概念經營,配合RFID(Radio Frequency Identification,無線射頻辨識)技術建置活魚產銷履歷,以安全的食材供應鏈建立起品牌特色。不僅在2008年獲得經濟部技術處「產業創新獎」,去年更再度獲得第一屆科技農企業菁創獎的肯定。
Consumers have gradually become more aware of the importance of food safety. Farmers and fish-farmers are being forced to bear the increased costs of introducing product traceability systems to enhance quality standards, but there has been no corresponding rise in the price that distributors pay to the producers. Boosting product value-added through branding is the only way to stimulate farmers’ and fish-farmers’ enthusiasm for implementing product traceability systems. This is precisely the strategy that Tekho has adopted for its “Live Fish Center” brand. Every fish has its own unique RFID tag which records every aspect of its life, enhancing both consumers’ confidence in the safety and quality of the product, and their loyalty to the brand.
社會漸漸提升食品安全的消費意識,當農漁民必須增加成本來做生產履歷、提升品質,通路商並不會因此提高收購價格。唯有以品牌經營的概念,提升產品附加價值,才能激勵漁民願意投資更多成本,來落實生產履歷制度。德河正是以這樣的方向經營,在「鮮活工房」品牌下,每條魚都掛著自己專屬的身分辨識(RFID tag),完整紀錄它的生命過程,能讓消費者一目了然,產生信任感與品牌忠誠度。
Today, Tekho has 150 hectares of “ubiquitous networked” aquaculture tanks in Cigu Township, Tainan County, all of which conform to environmental protection and organic food product standards. Using RFID control tools, all production information is made public and transparent, which is one of the main factors behind the success of the Live Fish Center production team.