Taking the Lead by Aligning Services with Consumer Needs. Ted Tsai, Asia Pacific Telecom's Marketing Director, Shares His Recipe for Success 亞太電信行銷長蔡福原成功的祕訣 向消費者靠攏 後來居上

Marketing Director Ted Tsai is known as the “idea man” at Asia Pacific Telecom (APT). Beginning with a million users three to four years ago, the company has since dramatically expanded its client base to over three million users. APT's strategy is to never engage in direct confrontation with the other three main telecom carriers. As APT's CEO Huan-Kuo Chih explains, although the company is ranked fourth in the telecommunications industry, its relatively smaller size enables it to be more flexible and maintain greater mobility. As a latecomer to the industry, APT's winning strategy is to cater to the needs of consumers, Chih adds.

Asia Pacific Telecom’s hope is to uphold its motto of “Making Better Changes”. As Ted Tsai explains, the telecommunications industry revolves around constantly evolving technologies, meaning the entire industry undergoes major and minor changes on a yearly basis and even from month to month. To effectively deal with these intense fluctuations in the environment which exist both internally and externally, and to achieve success, the company must cultivate innovative strategies.
「Making Better Changes,為你做更好」是亞太電信對自我的期許,蔡福原表示,隨著科技發展日新月異,電信業半年一小變化,一年一大變化,要具備十足的創新動能,才能因應內外在環境的劇烈變化。

APT noticed the unmistakable emergence of an M-shaped society and realized that the “Economy of the Underclass” seemed to be the greatest common factor, but found that this circumstance could also be leveraged. As a result, the company employed what is known as a “disruptive innovation strategy”. It pinpointed the most common complaint raised by consumers—expensive calling rates—and introduced “free in-network calls”, a move which shook up the industry and forced other carriers to follow suit.

Caption:Marketing Director Ted Tsai is known as the “idea man” at Asia Pacific Telecom.