發行日期: 2010 年 12 月 03 日91期
  From the man himself comes the words, "My one regret in life is that I am not someone else." However, if this man were truly someone else, then the world would not have laughed along wi… 詳全文
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The Amazing Woody Allen   無人能敵的伍迪‧艾倫

The Amazing Woody Allen 無人能敵的伍迪‧艾倫

  From the man himself comes the words, "My one regret in life is that I am not someone else." However, if this man were truly someone else, then the world would not have laughed along wi… 詳全文

Winter Wonderland   全球瘋聖誕

Winter Wonderland 全球瘋聖誕

  People all over the world have ways to make Christmas fun. It is a time for winter pleasures and traditions and for spending quality time1 with friends and family. Traditions can change, and some… 詳全文