Jeremy Lin Named NBA Player of the Week

The New York Knicks' Jeremy Lin, the NBA's first Taiwanese-American player, was named the Eastern Conference Player of the Week. Lin led the Knicks to a 4-0 record. His 109 points over his first four starts are the most by any player since the 1976-77 season, and he became the first player in NBA history to tally at least 20 points and seven assists in each of his first four starts. Lin scored a career-high 38 points on February 10, 2012, in a 92-85 win over the Los Angeles Lakers.

紐約尼克隊球員林書豪,是美國職籃第 1 位獲選為東區單周最佳球員的台裔美國人。林書豪率領尼克隊獲得 4 勝 0 敗的戰績。他頭 4 場先發攻下 109 分,是 1976 至 1977 年球季以來得分最多的球員。他頭 4場先發每場至少得 20 分及7 次助攻,是美國職籃史上的第一人。林書豪在 2012年 2 月 10 日得到職涯新高的 38 分,而在這場比賽中, 林書豪所屬的球隊以92 比 85 擊敗洛杉磯湖人隊。
