【英語島讀書會】The Disaster Artist

The Disaster Artist
My Life Inside The Room, the Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made

作者:Greg Sistero and Tom Bissell
出版社:Simon & Schuster

▎電影《大災難家》改編自這本小說,內容描述經典電影《房間》的拍攝歷程。至於要先看書還是先看電影,建議先看這部《房間》(The Room)。



The book behind the recent film The Disaster Artist is rewarding and easy to get into. We get an insider's look into being an aspiring actor in Hollywood, how a film set works, and how many things can be bungled in awe-inspiring ways. Tommy Wiseau, the producer, director, and star of the film generates spectacular failures through iron will and dedication. The story's hero, Greg, shows us what it's like to be climbing in the film industry, fighting to make a living as an artist and to improve as an actor.

近期上映的電影《大災難家》,原著是一本容易上手且值得一讀再讀的書,它帶我們走進幕後,化身為一位充滿抱負的好萊塢演員,見證 一部電影是如何被拍成,又是如何被以令人嘆服的方式搞砸。書中的Tommy Wiseau是一名電影製作人、導演兼演員,他用鋼鐵般的意志拍出了一部大爛片《房間》;而故事的主人公Greg,則向我們演示了一位演員要如何在電影業中一步步向上爬,以藝術家身分逆境求生,並成為更優秀的演員。

The potency of unconditional beliefs in one's dreams fills this story out. While the film is a window into Tommy Wiseau's life and story, the book shows us more of Greg's journey, which is decorated with Hollywood culture and legends — for example, the book recommends James Dean and his film Rebel Without a Cause (1955). This was one of three films the young star produced before his sudden death by car accident. His movie and his life, exemplifying the idiom "live fast and die young", carry an often-overlooked perspective into how us Americans came to be the way we are.

本書的精神,在於人能夠無條件地相信夢想。雖然電影翻拍著重呈現Tommy Wiseau的生活與故事,但原著小說敘述了更多關於Greg在電影圈闖蕩的旅程,並穿插了眾多好萊塢文化與傳奇。例如書中推薦了英年早逝的演員James Dean,在他因車禍過世之前, 他留下了三部電影,其中一部就是書中介紹的《Rebel Without a Cause》(養子不教 誰之過)。James Dean跟他短暫的人生也體現了「燃燒生命,英年早逝」這句話的精神,這些人們經常忽略,但卻是美國文化之所以成為 現在模樣的原因。

Speaking of things that show us American cultural truths, The Room itself is a "cult classic" film that is well-known for its nonsensical writing, unique set decorations (many, many framed pictures of spoons), and comedically surrealistic sex scenes. If someone described humanity to space aliens and they made a drama based on that description, that drama would be The Room.


The Room's popularity is a testament to the great American love of anti-humor. Modern audiences are known to smuggle in footballs to throw at the screen (there are several scenes where grown men play catch with a football), throwing plastic spoons every time one of the set decoration photos of spoons is sighted, and a multitude of character costumes -- for example, fans dressed as Tommy Wiseau walk out during every sex scene (like Wiseau himself every time he's at a showing of his own movie). In reading this book, you can learn about American film culture -- cult and mainstream -- as well as take a deep look into the brilliance and horror of fiercely and ceaselessly chasing your dreams.

《房間》一片受歡迎的程度證實了廣大美國人對冷笑話的熱愛。例如影迷會在每個性愛場景出現時,打扮成主角Tommy Wiseau的樣子,在影廳裡走來走去(Wiseau 本人出席自己的電影放映會時也總會這麼做)。透過閱讀本書你同時可以認識美國的主流與「邪典」文化,同時深入探索無止境瘋狂追夢的輝煌與恐怖。

*本文收錄於英語島English Island 2018年5月號