發行日期: 2010 年 06 月 11 日2010年6月號
In the space of just eight years, Golden Moon founder and CEO Ch’en Cheng-Hung has succeeded in leading the Golden Moon lapis lazuli brand from an initial focus on “lifestyle” lapis lazuli towards… 詳全文
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Golden Moon has succeeded in attracting the interest of venture capital providers, and is widely praised as an example of successful cultural and creative industry development Integrating lapis lazuli

G… (By Lin Li-Ch’i 文/林立綺)

In the space of just eight years, Golden Moon founder and CEO Ch’en Cheng-Hung has succeeded in leading the Golden Moon lapis lazuli brand from an initial focus on “lifestyle” lapis lazuli towards… 詳全文

According to Lin Chiu-Hsiang, Chairman of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan:Ergonomics is starting to attract more attention, with a new focus on the user experience 中華民國人因工程學會理事長林久翔:人因工程擺脫冷灶 使用者經驗成顯學

A… (By Hu, Hsiu-Chu 文/胡秀珠)

The “user experience” concept has been around for nearly ten years now, with leading international corporations such as Google and Apple emphasizing the user-oriented nature of their technology. Wi… 詳全文

A brighter future for Taiwan’s senior citizens A comprehensive e-healthcare network 台灣銀髮族 未來會更好醫療照護 e網打盡

A brighter future for Taiw… (By Ch’ien, Yen-Ni and Chuang, Shu-Hui 文/錢嬿妮、莊淑惠)

Taiwan’s ICT sector is a hotbed of innovation, and information technology is now starting to challenge traditional models of healthcare provision, creating new business opportunities in the process.… 詳全文

An interview with Dickson D. Despommier, Professor of Public Health at Columbia University A self-sufficient, cyclic eco-system – creating new vitality through “green” cities 專訪哥倫比亞大學醫學生態學教授Dickson D.

A… (By Lin, Li-Ch’i 文/林立綺)

Imagine if the cities of the future were filled with “green buildings” used to grow agricultural produce, and if the restaurants, hospitals and schools got the foodstuffs they needed from these urb… 詳全文