LINE Pay為何選在台灣上市?董座曝關鍵
遭指為綠黨團小編挺戒嚴 黃捷駁斥
5億高中生案二審開庭 夏男院外突遭黑衣男出拳攻擊
班班有鮮乳擬由中央出預算 拚1週內與地方溝通
發行日期: (2012 年 04 月 10 日)
Creating an environment in which innovative people can thrive 為創新人才 創造得分環境
Passing on the experience accumulated by National Taiwan University graduates; NTU alumni turn out to be even better at entrepreneurship than they are at studying 台大人經驗傳承 創業比讀書還行
According to National Youth Commission Minister Chen Yi-Chen:The National Youth Commission needs to "market" the government's policies, so that young people realize that someone is making a serious ef
Su Li-Mei, the "godmother" of "idol" soap operas, single-handedly created the concept of innovative "idol" soap operas with real artistic value 偶像劇教母蘇麗媚 一手打造偶像文創劇
Alvin Woon is shifting his trajectory from entrepreneur to venture capitalist 雲惟彬轉換跑道 創業者變創投家
發行日期: (2012 年 03 月 27 日)
Results of Survey on App Requirements of 100 Service Providers Published 55% of Service Providers to Launch App Services within Year 百大服務業App需求大調查出爐 55%業者 一年內推出App服務
Generating Millions of Hits The Magic Formula for a Video’s Instant Success 創造百萬點閱率 影片暴紅必勝方程式
Exclusive Interview with Chang San-cheng, Minister without Portfolio, Executive Yuan Aspiring to be the Best ICT Salesperson ICT with Customer-Oriented Principles專訪行政院政務委員張善政 以客為尊 自許成為ICT最佳推銷員
More Enthralling than Sports Manga “Hobby Club-Themed Manga” to be Next Fad 比體育漫畫更熱血 「文化系部活」掀動漫熱潮
發行日期: (2012 年 02 月 04 日)
The Future of Live Talks 未來現場
Generation Y Drives Positive Change in Taiwan 發揮年輕社群創新能量 七年級生觸動台灣正向轉化力
University of West England and University of Bristol Collaborate on Robotics Research, Look to Develop Cutting Edge Robots 西英格蘭大學與布里斯托大學合作 研發特殊機器人 解決不可能的任務
A Testbed for New Technology 科技生活實驗場
發行日期: (2012 年 01 月 10 日)
New “Content King”新內容王
Industrial Transformation Faces New Challenges;Innovation is a Never-ending Process 產業轉型新挑戰 創新求變 沒有終點
Exclusive Interview with Chin-Fu Chang, Minister without Portfolio, Executive Yuan. Digital Convergence: New Driving Force for the Transformation and Upgrade of Taiwan's Industries Set to Pave the Way
Taking the Lead by Aligning Services with Consumer Needs. Ted Tsai, Asia Pacific Telecom's Marketing Director, Shares His Recipe for Success 亞太電信行銷長蔡福原成功的祕訣 向消費者靠攏 後來居上
As Global Movie Industry Takes Off, Taiwan Leaps Back into the Spotlight. The New York Film Academy—“Where Stars Are Made”—to Discuss Collaboration Plans with I-Shou University, Taipei National Univer
發行日期: (2011 年 12 月 13 日)
The organizational power of social networking sites offers great potential for winning votes The four secrets to increased exposure and popularity 社群揪團拉票力量大 衝人氣四大祕訣
Accuvally Inc. CEO Luo Tzu-wen in conversation with Luo Yi-chun, Managing Director and Head of China Strategy, Industrial Bank of Taiwan In the competitive electronic ticketing market, marketing capab
What do a mother from an indigenous community and Ms. Chen, a member of a low-income household, have to say? The new digital lifestyles of five major consumer groups 原住民媽媽、低收入戶陳太太…怎麼說? 五大消費族群的數位新生活
A new paradigm for the technology-enabled services sector The list of the Top 20 most innovative brands in the Taiwanese ICT sector has been announced! 科技服務業新典範 ICT企業20大創新力品牌出爐
發行日期: (2011 年 11 月 24 日)
Huge demand gap means business opportunity Consumer vs. vendor viewpoints of mobile device and service 消費者vs.供應商全紀錄 行動裝置平台 供需觀點大對抗
Second home for Shakespeare Stratford in Canada 莎士比亞的第二故鄉 加拿大史特拉福市 文化與科技交會的光亮
Becoming the warrior in Seediq Bale Fusing the art and technology 科技藝術合體 台北好文創 讓你變身賽德克‧巴萊主角
Enabling technology fire up the mobility industry growth 高通風險投資部中國區總經理沈勁:使能科技 (Enabling Technology) 下一波行動產業重要成長動能
The legend of 100% employment Asia University is boosting by Nobel masters 亞洲大學接軌國際 站上巨人肩膀 蔡進發創造100%就業傳奇
發行日期: (2011 年 10 月 18 日)
My day begins with swapping …我的一天從交換開始…
Establishing your own “personal brand blog” can help you to achieve a steady rise in the market share held by your website 建立個人品牌部落格 不斷擴增網路市占率
Integrating cloud computing and monitoring to create a new-generation power management system A major breakthrough in power utilization – Safe, and energy-saving! 整合雲端與監控 打造新一代電力管理系統 用電大創新 安全更節能
Finding an antidote to the media Apps and society 尋找媒體解藥—社會生活裡的App
發行日期: (2011 年 09 月 19 日)
A Rising Power… Future Demand Generates New Opportunities新勢力崛起中…未來需求引爆全新商機
Game App Craze Sweeps the World What's the Next Big Thing? App遊戲瘋席捲全球 下一個機會點在哪?
Research Experts Outline New “Blue Ocean” for Connected TV 產學研專家勾勒聯網電視新藍海
Connecting Virtual Communities with Putao—Net Meeting Celebration Shows Power of the Popular Economy 葡萄藤串起虛擬世界的社群熱情 網聚嘉年華 展現庶民經濟活力
Zynga Japan General Manager Yamada Shintaro: Nothing Will Stop the Social Media + Mobile Game Juggernaut Zynga日本總經理山田進太郎:社群遊戲大未來 Social+mobile趨勢不可擋
發行日期: (2011 年 08 月 05 日)
Connected Stores are a New Marketing Channel that Bridges Virtual and Real Worlds 連網商店 虛實整合的行銷新通路
Information Services Make for Easier Navigation in Taipei Jason Lin Makes Transportation More Convenient by Empathizing 資訊服務有感覺臺北好行無障礙 林志盈用同理心讓交通更便利
Tony K.M. Chang , CEO of Taiwan Design Center: Bringing Taipei Closer to Becoming a Design Capital like Paris and London 台灣創意設計中心執行長張光民:讓台北邁向設計之都與巴黎倫敦並駕齊驅
National Hsinchu Living Art Center Director Chuang San-hsiu:To Promote Culture, First Promote Industry 國立新竹生活美學館館長莊三修:推文創,先求「產業化」
發行日期: (2011 年 07 月 18 日)
Chao Yang-ching, chairwoman of the Financial Information Service Co., is the driving force behind stable interbank financial transactions財金公司董事長趙揚清 穩定金融跨行交易推手
Xue Xue Institute Chairperson Lilin Hsu:Culture and creativity are the true colors of Taiwan 學學文創志業董事長徐莉玲:文創才是台灣的顏色
Satisfy Me or Else!30 Internet Shopping Business Opportunities 給我滿意 其餘免談 30個網購商機大蒐羅
Dubberly Design Office’s Top Designer Hugh Dubberly:Think about service first before the software and hardware The threshold must be lowered in order to win the market Dubberly Design Office首席設計師Hugh
With the redistribution of the global information domain, where is Taiwan headed?Jen-Fang Lee, Min-shin Gong and Ying Chen on the transformation of Taiwan industry 全球資訊版圖重分配 台灣未來怎麼走 李仁芳、龔明鑫、陳瀅聯合為台灣產業
發行日期: (2011 年 06 月 15 日)
How they made a profit...Four Great Ways of Making It Big with Apps 他們怎麼獲利…App賺錢4大招
Wisest capital among G8 industrialized nations Five New Small Businesses Founded in Ottawa Each Week 八大工業國最有智慧的首都 渥太華 每周催生5個小企業
Chih-Kung Lee, Executive President of III:Technological Innovations Should Motivate The People And Bring Value to Industries 資策會執行長李世光:科技創新要讓人民有感覺 產業有價值
Comprehensive Internet Lives of Digital Immigrants 數位移民的全方位網路生活
發行日期: (2011 年 05 月 27 日)
Socks: a technology application that underpins sporting performance Another interdisciplinary field of competition in the world of international sport 襪子,揭開運動背後的科技應用 國際運動場上的另一項跨領域整合競賽
My first time – Establishing a platform for budding innovators 我們的第一次 建立素人創作平台
Two brothers whose combined age is only 30 are both successful inventors! 兄弟倆加起來才30歲 發明家創業 各擁一片天
Getting an early start on making money – For young people, there is no reason why starting your own business should just be a dream Portraits of young entrepreneurs in different countries around the w
發行日期: (2011 年 04 月 21 日)
Lighting up the night sky with LED bicycle spoke lights 鐵馬LED彩繪夜空
Demonstrating collaborative creativity – Let’s all work together to create the news! 發揮協同創作精神 大家一起飆新聞
Everyone can be an author – Convenient, rapid publishing for ordinary people is no longer just a dream人人都是大作家 素人出版方便迅速不是夢
Using flowers to tell a story – Exploiting the power of design in new areas Eastwave Flower Creative Company uses scientific methods to make aesthetic design more efficient 用花藝說故事 延伸設計生命力 東波水月花坊以科學方法
發行日期: (2011 年 03 月 09 日)
Fu-yen Chen, General Manager of Huashan1914 Taiwan.Taipei.Huashan The Construction of a Marketplace for Culture and Creativity 華山文創總經理陳甫彥 台灣.台北.華山 建構文創大市集
Cross-field Integrated Mechanism Innovative Topics Our Values are Born from Our Differences 跨領域整合機制 創新議題 我們的價值 來自我們的不同
Special Report from Shanghai:3H Ladies Mix-and-Matching Urban New Fashion 上海特報:三哈女 混搭都會新時尚