發行日期: 2010 年 12 月 25 日2010年33期
The “smart city” constitutes the ideal laboratory for testing innovative services. How should Taiwan approach the challenge of identifying citizens’ basic needs and then building a living environm… 詳全文
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Human-centric development will underpin the society of the future New, inter-disciplinary factors will provide the outline for urban planning roadmaps

H… (By HU, Hsiu-Chu)

The “smart city” constitutes the ideal laboratory for testing innovative services. How should Taiwan approach the challenge of identifying citizens’ basic needs and then building a living environm… 詳全文

Transforming the city in a joyous hundredth a… (By HU, Hsiu-Chu and LI, Luo)

Next year (2011) marks the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China. What changes have taken place in Taiwan over the past century? Viewing this question in microcosm, we take t… 詳全文

According to three leading figures in Taiwan’s manufacturing sector: Cloud computing will open the door to manufacturing servitization

Acc… (By HU, Hsiu-Chu)

According to the Cloud Computing Vision for Manufacturing formulated by III-IDEAS, cloud computing can be utilized to develop high-value-added services, create new value and boost profits at all thre… 詳全文

According to Dr. Chang Jin-Fu, Minister without Portfolio, Executive Yuan:Cloud computing has an important role to play in industrial upgrading, by supporting the development of innovative, highly com

A… (By HU, Hsiu-Chu)

Cloud computing has been one of the hottest topics in high technology in the last few years, but what impact is it having on Taiwanese industry? What changes will cloud computing bring, and what new … 詳全文