發行日期: 2010 年 11 月 30 日2010年32期
iPad fever is sweeping the world, and has prompted many suggestions as to how devices like the iPad could be improved. However, what consumers should really be thinking about is how this type of devi… 詳全文
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iPad – The Future?Devices that can be folded, bent, and stretched; devices with sound, taste, and feel iPad來世今生 可折可彎可伸縮 有聲有味有感覺

iPad – The Future… (By CH’IN Chen-Chia 文/秦振家)

iPad fever is sweeping the world, and has prompted many suggestions as to how devices like the iPad could be improved. However, what consumers should really be thinking about is how this type of devi… 詳全文

Inspiration for innovation can come from familiar scenes Crepe wrappers inspire a major breakthrough in flexible displays 創意就在不遠處 潤餅皮立大功 軟性螢幕大突破

Inspira… (By HU Hsiu-Chu 文/胡秀珠)

The “FlexUPD” ultrathin flexible display technology developed by Lee Cheng-Chung (Section Chief, Display Technology Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute) and Lee Tzong-Ming (Section Chi… 詳全文

Designing “ChiangsTalk” – Cultural and creative industry with a smileUsing humor to help Taiwan keep pace with international trends 設計蔣堂 搞笑文創 以幽默感接軌國際潮流

Des… (By YIN Hao 文/尹皓)

The cultural and creative industries can be funny too! As “ChiangsTalk” founder Wu Sung-Chou sees it, design and culture are closely interrelated, but that doesn’t mean they have to solemn or seri… 詳全文

Monte Jade Science and Technology Association Executive Secretary Herb Lin: How to get the world to invest in Taiwan 玉山科技協會秘書長林和源 如何讓世界投資台灣

Monte Jade… (By HU Hsiu-Chu 文/胡秀珠)

The years since 2000 have been a period of adjustment for Taiwan’s venture capital industry, with a significant fall in the number of new businesses receiving venture capital funding. Herb Lin (Lin … 詳全文