The Scariest Places on Earth

  We all know one or two places that are said to be haunted1. They might be an old house that no one lives in or a dark cemetery2. It could even be a famous building or a classroom in your school. However, when it comes to the scariest places in the world, two names keep appearing—the Catacombs3 of Paris and New Orleans, Louisiana. Both have long histories and are favorite places for ghost hunters and people who love mysteries4.

  Long ago in Paris, almost all large churches had their own cemeteries inside the city. After years of war, disease, and death, the cemeteries became too crowded and caused health problems. The government tried to fix them with laws, but it didn't work. Finally, a police officer's idea was put into action in 1786, and the cemeteries were emptied. The bones were moved to the quarries5 that stretch for miles under Paris. Over the years, the quarries have become known as the Catacombs. This is because of the piles of bones and the murders6 that took place inside.

  Today, visitors can tour the Catacombs. Many have had strange experiences, such as having their hands or clothing grabbed or seeing dark shadows in rooms. Every year, some tours end early because of unexplained7 events that happen during them.


  另一個熱門景點當屬Voodoo Cemetery Gates of Guinee(編按:Guinee在巫毒教中表『陰間』之意)。路易斯安那巫毒教是一種結合了非洲信仰和天主教的宗教。這些大門據說是通往陰間的入口。只有某些特殊的巫毒教團體才知曉其所在位置。人們搜尋這些大門是因為他們想跟亡者交談。然而,任何試圖找尋大門的人都冒著被帶入陰間的風險。談論大門也被當作是件觸霉頭的事。因此,若您身在紐奧良市,可千萬別問起關於大門的事。


《Building Your Vocabulary》
1. scary a. 恐怖的,可怕的
Becky loves watching scary movies.
2. crowded a. 擁擠的,擠滿人或物的
The crowded bus is full of commuters.
3. empty vt. 使變空;倒空
Fiona emptied her bag to find her keys.
4. stretch vi. 綿延,延伸
A huge wall of dark clouds stretched across the sky.
5. grab vt. 抓,攫取
I grabbed my wallet and went out the door.

《Phrases for Learning》
1. be said to be + 形容詞∕名詞  據說……
The man is said to be 100 years old.
2. when it comes to...  談到∕涉及……
When it comes to pool, Ralph is an expert.
3. put...into action  開始實行∕進行……
You have to put your plans into action now.

《Extra Word》
1. haunted a. 鬧鬼的
2. cemetery n. 墓地,公墓
3. catacomb n. 地下墓穴(常用複數)
4. mystery n. 神秘的事物,謎
5. quarry n. 採石場
6. murder n. 謀殺;謀殺罪
7. unexplained a. 難以解釋的

...almost all large churches...
  almost(幾乎)用來修飾形容詞或副詞時,這些形容詞或副詞必須是具有完全性概念的詞類,故形容詞如 all(全部)、every(每一個)、any(任一)、no(沒有)等字均可與 almost 並用,故無 almost many(幾乎許多)、almost most(幾乎大部分)的用法,因為 many 與 most 所表示的並非完全性的概念。
Almost many students in our school went on the field trip. (×)
→ Almost every student in our school went on the field trip. (○)
