According to Kairos Future Group Founder Mats Lindgren:Social networking can give us insights into how industries will develop in the future Kairos未來集團創辦人Mats Lindgren從社群網絡中 透視產業未來

As the already large number of blogs continues to grow, social media have become a source of market information that business owners and managers cannot afford to ignore. Mats Lindgren, the founder of Swedish management consulting firm Kairos Future Group, leveraged the cloud computing-based Software as a Service (SaaS) concept to develop the SoMe Tracker and SoMe Analyzer, which permit real-time monitoring and analysis of the videos, photos and text content on social networking sites. This enables Kairos Future Group to undertake broader, deeper analysis of the preferences and trends hidden in market data than other consultancies and market research firms can achieve, helping the Group’s customers to make correct decisions regarding products and services.
瑞典管理顧問公司Kairos未來集團(Kairos future group)創辦人Mats Lindgren,透過雲端運算軟體即服務(Software as a Service, SaaS)的概念,研發出SoMe追蹤器以及SoMe分析器,成功針對社群網站發布的影音及照片、文字等內容,進行即時追蹤分析,這使Kairos未來集團能比一般顧問單位及市調公司更有深度且廣度地分析市場訊息中所隱藏的喜好和趨勢,並做出正確的產品或服務的決策。

Mats Lindgren explains that Kairos Future Group’s main business area is helping enterprises to understand industry trends, using scenario analysis and development strategies to identify sources of continued future growth for the enterprise.
Mats Lindgren介紹,Kairos未來集團的主業務為協助企業了解產業趨勢,透過情境分析(scenario analysis)及發展策略,找到企業在未來持續成長的動力來源。

As a research firm and a futurism think-tank, Kairos Future Group’s business development focuses on four key areas: trends and society, consumer and marketing, leadership and change, and regional development and tourism. By examining trends and undertaking scenario analysis, Kairos Future Group is able to collaborate closely with its clients, helping clients to identify suitable long-term development strategies.
作為一個研究公司以及未來學智庫,Kairos未來集團的公司發展重點集中在四大領域:趨勢和社群(trends and society),消費及行銷(consumer and
marketing)、領導及改變( leadership and change)、區域發展及旅遊產業( regional development and tourism)。透過趨勢及情境分析,Kairos未來集團與客戶緊密合作,為客戶找出合適的長期發展策略。