
【 Visual style 視覺型】
Steve Jobs and his one-worded slides 簡潔有力

1.Less is more 精簡為王
2.Symbols are magic 善用符號
3.A picture says a thousand words 一張圖勝過千言萬語

【 Free form style 自由型】
Ken Robinson and his straighforward talks 隨性輕鬆

1.Impromptu style 即興風格
2.No slides required 不需要簡報
3.Sharing strong stories to illustrate points 分享強而有力的故事並闡述論點

【 Academic style 學術型】
Al Gore and his instructive information 言之有物

1.Deliver complex messages and figures 要傳遞較複雜的訊息
2.Build decks in a logical order 建立有邏輯的順序
3.Use high-impact visual graphics 高對比視覺效果

【 Guiding style 引導型】
Julian Treasure and his tips on talking 吸睛表達

1.Energetic and charismatic speakers 活力與魅力的表達
2.Connect and engage with their audience 與觀眾保持連結
3.Interaction with audience through simple skills 用簡單的方法與觀眾互動

【 Storytelling style 故事型】
Gary Vaynerchuk and his impassioned keynote 熱情澎湃

1.Examples connect you with your audience 用例子和觀眾產生共鳴
2.Provide creative guidelines and concrete steps for audience 有創意的引導指南及具體的步驟
3.Let emotions out and tell a true story 表達情緒並說真實的故事

【 Inspiring style 啟發型風格】
Brené Brown and her research data of soul 創造共感

1.Proper self-disclosure 適當的自我揭露
2.Everyone here could be one of the story's characters 人人都可能是故事中的主角
3.Use photos for emotional effect 善用能引發共鳴的照片

*本文收錄於英語島English Island 2017年7月號