發行日期: 2009 年 04 月 01 日249期
DNA testing may find the next generation of athletes. DNA 測試或許能挖掘下一代的運動家。   Everyone knows that athletic success is partly hard work and partly luck. Some people are stronger or fas... 詳全文
本期其他文章 看前期雜誌
A Sporting Chance  基因決定你運動行不行

A Sporting Chance  基因決定你運動行不行 (by Jeremy Beacock)

DNA testing may find the next generation of athletes. DNA 測試或許能挖掘下一代的運動家。   Everyone knows that athletic success is partly hard work and partly luck. Some people are stronger or fas... 詳全文

Big Blue  大藍鯨 (by Marcus Maurice)

Blue whales are bigger than anything on Earth, but we know very little about them. 藍鯨比地球上的任何生物都還巨大,但我們對牠們的了解卻少得可憐。   With a heart that weighs more than 450 kilograms... 詳全文