發行日期: 2009 年 05 月 06 日250期
A love of spelling can lead to riches and fame for some teenagers. 對某些青少年而言,熱愛拼字可能會讓他們名利雙收。   For elementary and junior high school students, spelling bees can begin as an ... 詳全文
本期其他文章 看前期雜誌
Spellbound  一『拼』不可收拾的拼字比賽

Spellbound  一『拼』不可收拾的拼字比賽 (by Marcus Maurice)

A love of spelling can lead to riches and fame for some teenagers. 對某些青少年而言,熱愛拼字可能會讓他們名利雙收。   For elementary and junior high school students, spelling bees can begin as an ... 詳全文

The Importance of Care  南丁格爾與國際護士節

The Importance of Care  南丁格爾與國際護士節 (by Matthew Brown)

Nurses provide a great service, and May 12 is a day set aside to recognize these unsung heroes. 護士為我們提供偉大的服務,而在 5 月 12 日國際護士節這天,讓我們一起向這些無名英雄致敬。   Hospitals ... 詳全文