發行日期: 2010 年 10 月 11 日2010年31期
What kind of sparks do you get if you combine the two most popular trends today: "social networking" and "digital reading"?當前兩大熱門趨勢──「社群媒體」與「數位閱讀」的結合,會… 詳全文
本期其他文章 看前期雜誌
Social Networking – From Making Friends to Making Money 社群夯市 從交朋友到賺錢

Social Networking – From Making Friends … (By LI Zhi-wei 文/李致緯)

What kind of sparks do you get if you combine the two most popular trends today: "social networking" and "digital reading"?當前兩大熱門趨勢──「社群媒體」與「數位閱讀」的結合,會… 詳全文

Social Media Brings Opportunities to the Door 社群媒體 讓機會自動上門

Social Media Brings Opportunities to the Door… (By ZHANG Da-wei 文/張大為)

Last year the "CoCo" beverage chain launched a NT$7 drink promotion and sold 120,000 drinks in just one week. By transmitting the message of this promotion to social networks throughout Tai… 詳全文

Combining the Real and Virtual Recreational Experiences Instantly Shared at Coca Cola Village  虛實整合 Coca Cola Village立即分享休閒新體驗

Combining th… (By QIN Cheng-jia 文/秦振家)

The Israeli company, Promarket, came up with a clever idea for travelers who want to have fun and also easily share their experiences online at the same time. At the Coca Cola Village 2010 summer cam… 詳全文

Ugly Sites Sell 醜網站才能替你賺錢

Ugly Sites Sell 醜網站才能替你賺錢 (By CAI Yan-zhi 文/蔡岩志)

People who really understand Internet marketing don't want advertisements. What they want is "direct-effect marketing" that incorporates precision or one-to-one marketing. In other words, t… 詳全文