發行日期: 2011 年 08 月 05 日2011年41期
Many people who like to shop for clothes in stores must find it inconvenient to have to try on endless outfits before they can decide which styles they like the most or fit them the best. Wouldn’t i… 詳全文
本期其他文章 看前期雜誌
Connected Stores are a New Marketing Channel that Bridges Virtual and Real Worlds 連網商店 虛實整合的行銷新通路

Connected Stores are a New … (By Hu Fangru 文/胡芳如)

Many people who like to shop for clothes in stores must find it inconvenient to have to try on endless outfits before they can decide which styles they like the most or fit them the best. Wouldn’t i… 詳全文

Information Services Make for Easier Navigation in Taipei Jason Lin Makes Transportation More Convenient by Empathizing 資訊服務有感覺臺北好行無障礙 林志盈用同理心讓交通更便利

Informat… (By Qin Zhenjia 文/秦振家)

In the age before GPS devices and smart phones, the most common excuses for standing people up or being late for school were things like “I couldn’t catch the bus and I didn’t have money to take a… 詳全文

Tony K.M. Chang , CEO of Taiwan Design Center: Bringing Taipei Closer to Becoming a Design Capital like Paris and London 台灣創意設計中心執行長張光民:讓台北邁向設計之都與巴黎倫敦並駕齊驅

Tony K.M. … (By Hu Xiuzhu 文/胡秀珠)

It is not easy to bestow cultural and historic meaning upon an over-70-year-old historic building and add fashion and design elements to it in 11 months, or just over 300 days. Yet, in order to creat… 詳全文

National Hsinchu Living Art Center Director Chuang San-hsiu:To Promote Culture, First Promote Industry 國立新竹生活美學館館長莊三修:推文創,先求「產業化」

National Hsinchu Li… (By Yu Chungkwang 文/游重光)

As local pioneers of culture and art, what sort of important responsibilities do the living art centers in each locality have? How can related policies be implemented? Ideas magazine interviewed Chua… 詳全文