發行日期: 2012 年 01 月 10 日2011年46期
In the explosive age of information, the augmentation of content is critical. Take the epic movie Seediq Bale for example. The process of content augmentation enabled the film to expand into tourism,… 詳全文
本期其他文章 看前期雜誌
New “Content King”新內容王

New “Content King”新內容王 (Article by Hsiu-Chu Hu 文/胡秀珠)

In the explosive age of information, the augmentation of content is critical. Take the epic movie Seediq Bale for example. The process of content augmentation enabled the film to expand into tourism,… 詳全文

Industrial Transformation Faces New Challenges;Innovation is a Never-ending Process 產業轉型新挑戰 創新求變 沒有終點

Industrial Transformation F… (Article by Fang-Ju Hu 文/胡芳如)

On December 19, the Institute for Information Industry (III) held the “2012 Industry Outlook Summit Forum”. Companies in attendance included Quanta Computer, Delta Electronics, Luxgen, Test Rite Gr… 詳全文

Exclusive Interview with Chin-Fu Chang, Minister without Portfolio, Executive Yuan. Digital Convergence: New Driving Force for the Transformation and Upgrade of Taiwan's Industries Set to Pave the Way

E… (Article by Hsiu-Chu Hu Photography by Yu-Ching Li )

The promotion of digital convergence is set to become the driving force behind the transformation and upgrade of Taiwan's various industries! Ideas Magazine recently had the honor to interview Jin-fu… 詳全文

Taking the Lead by Aligning Services with Consumer Needs. Ted Tsai, Asia Pacific Telecom's Marketing Director, Shares His Recipe for Success 亞太電信行銷長蔡福原成功的祕訣 向消費者靠攏 後來居上

T… (Article by Hsiu-Chu Hu Photography by Yu-Ching Li )

Marketing Director Ted Tsai is known as the “idea man” at Asia Pacific Telecom (APT). Beginning with a million users three to four years ago, the company has since dramatically expanded its client … 詳全文

As Global Movie Industry Takes Off, Taiwan Leaps Back into the Spotlight. The New York Film Academy—“Where Stars Are Made”—to Discuss Collaboration Plans with I-Shou University, Taipei National Univer

A… (Article by Li-Chi Lin Photography by Kitty Koo (Ne)

New York Film Academy Vice President and Consultant of International Relations Kitty Koo has long kept a close eye on Chinese cinematic development. During the interview, Koo expressed that cultivati… 詳全文