發行日期: 2011 年 12 月 13 日2011年45期
Recently, petitions and voting activities have been all the rage in Taiwan; they have in fact become one of the most popular social networking activities, and a new way for people to make their voice… 詳全文
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The organizational power of social networking sites offers great potential for winning votes The four secrets to increased exposure and popularity 社群揪團拉票力量大 衝人氣四大祕訣

T… (By David CHANG 文/張大為)

Recently, petitions and voting activities have been all the rage in Taiwan; they have in fact become one of the most popular social networking activities, and a new way for people to make their voice… 詳全文

Accuvally Inc. CEO Luo Tzu-wen in conversation with Luo Yi-chun, Managing Director and Head of China Strategy, Industrial Bank of Taiwan In the competitive electronic ticketing market, marketing capab

A… (By LIAO, Hsien-lung Photos by LIU, Teh-huan 文/廖賢龍 )

The Accupass event ticketing platform developed by Accuvally Inc. is used by the National CKS Cultural Center in Taiwan, and is already establishing a reputation for itself in the electronic ticketin… 詳全文

What do a mother from an indigenous community and Ms. Chen, a member of a low-income household, have to say? The new digital lifestyles of five major consumer groups 原住民媽媽、低收入戶陳太太…怎麼說? 五大消費族群的數位新生活

W… (By Judy HU and Fabius CHIN Photos courtesy of the )

One of the most significant current trends is that towards digital convergence. On June 30, 2012, the National Communications Commission (NCC) will be completing the transition to digital technology … 詳全文

A new paradigm for the technology-enabled services sector The list of the Top 20 most innovative brands in the Taiwanese ICT sector has been announced! 科技服務業新典範 ICT企業20大創新力品牌出爐

A… (By HU, Fang-ju Photography by Chung Yu 文/胡芳如 攝影/)

The ideas Best Choice ICT activity to have people vote for the Top 20 most innovative brands in Taiwan’s information and communications technology (ICT) sector was jointly organized by the Institute… 詳全文