發行日期: 2010 年 09 月 20 日2010年30期
With soaring oil prices, ever-growing awareness of the need for environmental protection and the rush to develop electric vehicles on a global scale, the balance in the automobile industry has shifte… 詳全文
本期其他文章 看前期雜誌
60% of Green Components for Future EVs will come from Taiwan  未來車 60%綠組件來自台灣

60% of Green Components for Future EV… (By Zhang Ru-xin, Hu Xiu-zhu 文/張如心、胡秀珠)

With soaring oil prices, ever-growing awareness of the need for environmental protection and the rush to develop electric vehicles on a global scale, the balance in the automobile industry has shifte… 詳全文

Mastering the Key to Growth Tips for Innovation and Management  掌握成長之鑰 創新管理有撇步

Mastering the Key to Growth Tips for… (By Zhang Wei-shan 文/張瑋珊)

Innovation is the driving force behind a sustainable enterprise. Although a business that is complacent risks losing its competitiveness, engaging in innovation does not guarantee success either. The… 詳全文

To Seize Business Opportunities, Industry… (By Hu Xiu-zhu, Zhang Wei-shan 文/胡秀珠、張瑋珊)

We have invited Mr. Kuo-rong Chen, vice chairman of Luxgen Motor Co. and president of Yulon Motor Co., Ltd.; Professor Jung-Ho Cheng, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University;… 詳全文

SECOM Develops New Business  Enters the Healthcare New Blue Ocean 跨入醫療照護新藍海 中興保全開闢事業新版圖

SECOM Develops New Business Enters… (By Hu Xiu-zhu 文/胡秀珠)

As early as 33 years ago, when the Internet was not yet widely available, SECOM was already employing “networks” to conduct business. The company used telephone dial-up to upload notification infor… 詳全文