To Seize Business Opportunities, Industry, Academia and Research Community Offer Advice on EV Plans 掌握電動車商機 產學研獻策
We have invited Mr. Kuo-rong Chen, vice chairman of Luxgen Motor Co. and president of Yulon Motor Co., Ltd.; Professor Jung-Ho Cheng, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University; and President Joe (Lung-Chou) Huang of the Automotive Research & Testing Center (ARTC) to talk about how Taiwan should seize opportunities in the global electronic vehicle market:

Mr. Chen: Taiwan’s Auto + IT + ET industry resources have gradually matured, and this represents the greatest opportunity and advantage to develop smart electric vehicles. Yulon Group’s private brand LUXGEN has launched the world’s first smart electric vehicle, combining home-grown technologies such as battery systems, control components, electric motors and power management systems, resulting in significant advantages.

Prof. Cheng: If Taiwan wishes to occupy a key position in the electric vehicle industry, we must be able to produce key components that are not easily replaceable (e.g. battery technology or the IGPD technology which only Japan possesses). Otherwise we should engage in research and development and take a leading role as system integration vendors in order to gain that critical position.

Mr. Huang: When electric vehicles first appeared on the international market, Taiwanese firms were already involved in supplying components to major international manufacturers and providing customized design services. For example, FUKUTA Elec. & Mach., Gongin Precision Industrial, Chroma ATE, and E-ONE MOLI ENERGY have received recognition from major international manufacturers and become suppliers of key components such as vehicle motors, battery modules and power control modules to electric vehicle vendors like Tesla Motor (US) and BMW Mini-E (Germany). The island of Taiwan has a north-south span of approximately 400 km, with clearly defined inhabitable regions and appropriate distances between cities. It possesses a comprehensive power supply network and a sophisticated transportation system, and enjoys a considerable advantage in becoming a model island for the deployment of electric vehicles.
黃隆洲:國際發展電動車輛之初,台灣廠商就已供應國際大廠零組件,並提供客製化設計服務。如富田電機、公準精密、致茂電子及能元科技等,都獲得國際大廠的肯定,成為美國Tesla Motor、德國寶馬Mini-E等電動車製造商之車用馬達、電池模組及動力控制模組等關鍵組件之供應商。台灣南北總長距離約400公里的地形環境,生活區域明顯,城市間距適當,電力網路、道路交通建置完善,對於發展全島成為電動車示範島,也擁有絕佳的優勢。

Mr. Chen: Taiwan’s Auto + IT + ET industry resources have gradually matured, and this represents the greatest opportunity and advantage to develop smart electric vehicles. Yulon Group’s private brand LUXGEN has launched the world’s first smart electric vehicle, combining home-grown technologies such as battery systems, control components, electric motors and power management systems, resulting in significant advantages.

Prof. Cheng: If Taiwan wishes to occupy a key position in the electric vehicle industry, we must be able to produce key components that are not easily replaceable (e.g. battery technology or the IGPD technology which only Japan possesses). Otherwise we should engage in research and development and take a leading role as system integration vendors in order to gain that critical position.

Mr. Huang: When electric vehicles first appeared on the international market, Taiwanese firms were already involved in supplying components to major international manufacturers and providing customized design services. For example, FUKUTA Elec. & Mach., Gongin Precision Industrial, Chroma ATE, and E-ONE MOLI ENERGY have received recognition from major international manufacturers and become suppliers of key components such as vehicle motors, battery modules and power control modules to electric vehicle vendors like Tesla Motor (US) and BMW Mini-E (Germany). The island of Taiwan has a north-south span of approximately 400 km, with clearly defined inhabitable regions and appropriate distances between cities. It possesses a comprehensive power supply network and a sophisticated transportation system, and enjoys a considerable advantage in becoming a model island for the deployment of electric vehicles.
黃隆洲:國際發展電動車輛之初,台灣廠商就已供應國際大廠零組件,並提供客製化設計服務。如富田電機、公準精密、致茂電子及能元科技等,都獲得國際大廠的肯定,成為美國Tesla Motor、德國寶馬Mini-E等電動車製造商之車用馬達、電池模組及動力控制模組等關鍵組件之供應商。台灣南北總長距離約400公里的地形環境,生活區域明顯,城市間距適當,電力網路、道路交通建置完善,對於發展全島成為電動車示範島,也擁有絕佳的優勢。