Social Networking – From Making Friends to Making Money 社群夯市 從交朋友到賺錢

What kind of sparks do you get if you combine the two most popular trends today: "social networking" and "digital reading"?

When the Apple App Store released the digital reading software, Flipboard, at the end of July 2010, it immediately caught the eye of international media and famous bloggers. Within just a few hours, through word of mouth, it had become the top-ranked download. Flipboard emphasizes that it is a "social magazine" offering unique, personalized content for every reader based on their social networking habits and content shared by their friends, such as holiday photos, news that they "liked", or videos reposted from Youtube.
2010年7月底,蘋果App Store上推出數位閱讀軟體Flipboard,上架後立即受到許多國外媒體及知名部落客的關注與推薦,短短幾小時內就成了下載排行榜第1名。Flipboard強調自己是一份「社群雜誌」(social magazine),它是透過使用者的社群媒體使用習慣以及其好友的分享內容,替每位讀者打造獨一無二的專屬內容,這些內容大多都是使用者在社群媒體上好友的分享內容,包括朋友出遊的照片、在新聞上按「讚」,或是轉貼在YouTube的影片等。

The most innovative aspect of Flipboard is the fact that it does not generate any content itself per se. All of the magazine’s content comes from the user's own activities on the social networking media, or are sourced from popular blogs and news websites overseas. The software settings and filters built into Flipboard automatically organizes the user's social networking feeds and selects content that the user will be interested in based on their past activities on social networks. Content generation and distribution is completely personalized and since Flipboard can generate content tailored to a reader of any type and culture, it can help develop a more diversified audience. The mechanism that makes all this possible is the social filtering function that has now been under development for some time now.
Flipboard最具創新價值的地方,在於本身不需產生任何內容;所有的雜誌內容均來自使用者在社群媒體上的活動,或整理自國外熱門的部落格和新聞網站的訊息。Flipboard透過軟體機制設定及過濾功能,自動為使用者彙整社群訊息,並依使用者在各個社群媒體上的活動,精選出使用者會有興趣的內容,內容的產生及傳播都是個人專屬。因此Flipboard能針對任何不同特性、不同文化的讀者,都能隨其偏好產生出對應的內容,發展出更多元化的讀者群。背後的機制,便是發展已經有一段時日的社群過濾(Social Filtering)功能。

The integration of social filtering means the advertisements shown on social networking media are generated using content recommended by the user's friends. These advertisements are generated because the user's friends have actually bought the product and recommended it on a social network. This type of social advertising offers a more personal touch and reduces the user's wariness towards ads. Instead, users want to know what products were purchased by their friends and what their recommendations were, delivering exactly the kind of effect advertising hopes to achieve.