Combining the Real and Virtual Recreational Experiences Instantly Shared at Coca Cola Village 虛實整合 Coca Cola Village立即分享休閒新體驗
The Israeli company, Promarket, came up with a clever idea for travelers who want to have fun and also easily share their experiences online at the same time. At the Coca Cola Village 2010 summer camp for teenagers organized by Coca Cola, Promarket combined wireless RFID bracelets with the social networking site Facebook to provide teenagers with the ability to automatically post messages and photos during their stay.
配合旅客在玩樂同時又想上網輕鬆分享體驗的需求,以色列公司Promarket想出了一個妙點子。在為可口可樂所舉辦的Coca Cola Village 2010青少年夏令營當中,Promarket結合了RFID無線手環和Facebook,提供青少年玩樂時能自動上Facebook貼文貼照片的特別度假體驗。
Yoni Saar, the founder and creative director of Promarket said that each summer camp ran for 3 days and attracted an average of 650 teenagers aged from 16 to 18 each day. Teens who attended received a RFID bracelet upon arrival, which was later linked to their Facebook account. Scattered everywhere inside the camp were RFID sensor boxes marked with the Facebook's thumb's up symbol for "Like". If the teens were satisfied with service for that area or really enjoyed the food or drink, they simply had to place the bracelet near the “Like” symbol and the system would automatically post the comment on the event's Facebook wall for other Internet users to respond to. To later check on the responses and answer friends or relatives, attendees could go online at one of the many computer areas in the camp.
Promarket創辦人暨創意部門主管Yoni Saar說,每場夏令營為期3天,活動期間平均每天吸引650位16至18歲青少年入營。到時每人領取一個RFID手環,入園後先將活動手環與Facebook帳號設對應;園區到處都有畫著Facebook「讚」(like)的大拇指標誌的RFID感應盒。滿意該區服務,或覺得食物飲料很棒,只要把手環靠近讚標誌,系統就會自動貼讚到Facebook的塗鴉牆,讓網友回應;想知道回應情形,只要到園區的電腦區上網,就能對親友貼文再回應。
Some of the sensor boxes were equipped with cameras as well. Apart from not having to worry about getting their camera wet, the teens could also instantly upload their photos to Facebook to share with friends and relatives. The system, which gave attendees’ the power to instantly upload photos to Facebook for friends to see and respond to, generated 35,000 posts and responses in a single day and was able to exert a huge amount of social influence.
配合旅客在玩樂同時又想上網輕鬆分享體驗的需求,以色列公司Promarket想出了一個妙點子。在為可口可樂所舉辦的Coca Cola Village 2010青少年夏令營當中,Promarket結合了RFID無線手環和Facebook,提供青少年玩樂時能自動上Facebook貼文貼照片的特別度假體驗。
Yoni Saar, the founder and creative director of Promarket said that each summer camp ran for 3 days and attracted an average of 650 teenagers aged from 16 to 18 each day. Teens who attended received a RFID bracelet upon arrival, which was later linked to their Facebook account. Scattered everywhere inside the camp were RFID sensor boxes marked with the Facebook's thumb's up symbol for "Like". If the teens were satisfied with service for that area or really enjoyed the food or drink, they simply had to place the bracelet near the “Like” symbol and the system would automatically post the comment on the event's Facebook wall for other Internet users to respond to. To later check on the responses and answer friends or relatives, attendees could go online at one of the many computer areas in the camp.
Promarket創辦人暨創意部門主管Yoni Saar說,每場夏令營為期3天,活動期間平均每天吸引650位16至18歲青少年入營。到時每人領取一個RFID手環,入園後先將活動手環與Facebook帳號設對應;園區到處都有畫著Facebook「讚」(like)的大拇指標誌的RFID感應盒。滿意該區服務,或覺得食物飲料很棒,只要把手環靠近讚標誌,系統就會自動貼讚到Facebook的塗鴉牆,讓網友回應;想知道回應情形,只要到園區的電腦區上網,就能對親友貼文再回應。
Some of the sensor boxes were equipped with cameras as well. Apart from not having to worry about getting their camera wet, the teens could also instantly upload their photos to Facebook to share with friends and relatives. The system, which gave attendees’ the power to instantly upload photos to Facebook for friends to see and respond to, generated 35,000 posts and responses in a single day and was able to exert a huge amount of social influence.