Social Media Brings Opportunities to the Door 社群媒體 讓機會自動上門

Last year the "CoCo" beverage chain launched a NT$7 drink promotion and sold 120,000 drinks in just one week. By transmitting the message of this promotion to social networks throughout Taiwan and providing an ordering and payment processing system, the online food ordering website, 17Life (PayEasy Group), instantly brought tens of thousands of customers to CoCo outlets everywhere.
「CoCo 都可」連鎖茶飲去年曾推出7元飲料促銷,一星期賣出12萬杯。經由線上訂餐網站- 17Life(PayEasy集團)把訊息傳遞到全台各地社群,並提供訂購收費系統,就瞬間把數以萬計的客人帶到各地的CoCo。

17Life President, Li Yi-teng, said that a few years ago social networks were generally “site-centric”, being filled with strangers that meet each other on a blog or forum. Recently social networking websites like Facebook have embraced a "people-centric" approach where Internet users interact with people they know personally in real life or online.

"17Life offers everyone in the same office or venue with a free ordering system for food & drink ordering system that makes things easier for people placing orders," Li said. The idea of making it easier for people placing orders led to the creation of a new service – 17P Special, a limited time, limited quantity, and limited number instant group buying service. First pioneered by the Groupon website in the U.S., 17Life can be considered the first website to successfully launch this business model in the Asia-Pacific region. This was how CoCo managed to extend its advertising reach to offices and ring up big sales of its beverages without opening an online store.

With over a million members, Atlaspost recently launched its own "Million User Group Buy Network" to bring social networking to traditional retailers as well. Most people in Taipei, for example, had never visited the Miniatures Museum of Taiwan. However, thanks to the power of social networking it managed to sell 1,486 tickets in just one day.