發行日期: 2011 年 06 月 15 日2011年39期
Smartphone Apps are now more popular than ever. First introduced in 2008, this phenomenon has been described as an “App Gold Rush.” Profit models in the App economy currently include pay-to-downloa… 詳全文
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How they made a profit...Four Great Ways of Making It Big with Apps 他們怎麼獲利…App賺錢4大招

How they made a profit...Four Grea…(By Li Zhiwei 文/李致緯)

Smartphone Apps are now more popular than ever. First introduced in 2008, this phenomenon has been described as an “App Gold Rush.” Profit models in the App economy currently include pay-to-downloa… 詳全文

Wisest capital among G8 industrialized nations Five New Small Businesses Founded in Ottawa Each Week 八大工業國最有智慧的首都 渥太華 每周催生5個小企業

Wisest capital am…(By Towen Tseng 文/曾多聞)

The Internet industry in Ottawa suffered tremendous setbacks from the 2002 dot com bubble recession, and following the global economic downturn in 2008 as well as the subsequent bankruptcy of Nortel … 詳全文

Chih-Kung Lee, Executive President of III:Technological Innovations Should Motivate The People And Bring Value to Industries 資策會執行長李世光:科技創新要讓人民有感覺 產業有價值

Chih-Ku…(By Hsiu-Chu Hu 文/胡秀珠)

Dr. Chih-Kung Lee, Executive President of the Institute for Information Industry (III), pointed out during his inaugural address to the press on May 3 that the industry’s future innovation model wil… 詳全文

Comprehensive Internet Lives of Digital Immigrants 數位移民的全方位網路生活

Comprehensive Internet Lives of Digital Imm…(By Xu Xinqi 文/許欣琦)

Gathering of foremen in Beijing – An innovative trend for interior decoration北京現場──工頭大會串 裝潢有看頭While it may be difficult to afford your own house in Beijing, it is even harder to have… 詳全文