Wisest capital among G8 industrialized nations Five New Small Businesses Founded in Ottawa Each Week 八大工業國最有智慧的首都 渥太華 每周催生5個小企業
The Internet industry in Ottawa suffered tremendous setbacks from the 2002 dot com bubble recession, and following the global economic downturn in 2008 as well as the subsequent bankruptcy of Nortel Networks—which was headquartered in Ottawa and once the world’s largest telecommunications equipment provider—the city’s economy was once again severely battered.
2002年達康泡沫(dot com bubble recession)衝擊下,渥太華網路產業元氣大傷;2008年全球不景氣,總部設於渥太華、曾是全球最大電訊設備供應商之一的北電網路(Nortel)跟著破產,再度重創渥太華。
However, in every crisis lies opportunity. Mike Darch, Executive Director of Global Marketing at Ottawa Centre of Research and Innovation (OCRI) pointed out, “The growth of the technology industries was instrumental in maintaining the development and stability of our economy in the late 1990s.” OCRI is a non-profit organization established by the City of Ottawa to act as a bridge between the government and the private sector in order to promote cooperation among the government, industry, and academia.
但危機就是轉機。渥太華研究與創新中心(Ottawa Centre of Research and Innovation;OCRI)全球營銷執行總監Mike Darch表示:「科技產業的成長,有利於我們在90年代末期維持經濟發展的穩定。」該中心是由渥太華市政府成立的非營利機構,扮演政府和民間溝通的橋樑,促進產官學界合作。
Ottawa has learned a valuable lesson from the dot-com bubble experience: It is not advisable to focus solely on the development of a few large corporations; it is essential to achieve a proper balance between the development of small, medium and large enterprises and to apply communications technology to areas other than telecom infrastructures. As a result, Ottawa began to actively encourage the launching of new businesses to foster growth and carefully advanced a more balanced distribution of firms of different sizes, thus reducing the economy’s dependence on just a small number of large enterprises. During this period, many small companies made full use of Ottawa’s existing ICT expertise and management experience and launched new operations in the biotechnology and clean energy sectors, contributing to the city’s diversified industrial structure.
2002年達康泡沫(dot com bubble recession)衝擊下,渥太華網路產業元氣大傷;2008年全球不景氣,總部設於渥太華、曾是全球最大電訊設備供應商之一的北電網路(Nortel)跟著破產,再度重創渥太華。
However, in every crisis lies opportunity. Mike Darch, Executive Director of Global Marketing at Ottawa Centre of Research and Innovation (OCRI) pointed out, “The growth of the technology industries was instrumental in maintaining the development and stability of our economy in the late 1990s.” OCRI is a non-profit organization established by the City of Ottawa to act as a bridge between the government and the private sector in order to promote cooperation among the government, industry, and academia.
但危機就是轉機。渥太華研究與創新中心(Ottawa Centre of Research and Innovation;OCRI)全球營銷執行總監Mike Darch表示:「科技產業的成長,有利於我們在90年代末期維持經濟發展的穩定。」該中心是由渥太華市政府成立的非營利機構,扮演政府和民間溝通的橋樑,促進產官學界合作。
Ottawa has learned a valuable lesson from the dot-com bubble experience: It is not advisable to focus solely on the development of a few large corporations; it is essential to achieve a proper balance between the development of small, medium and large enterprises and to apply communications technology to areas other than telecom infrastructures. As a result, Ottawa began to actively encourage the launching of new businesses to foster growth and carefully advanced a more balanced distribution of firms of different sizes, thus reducing the economy’s dependence on just a small number of large enterprises. During this period, many small companies made full use of Ottawa’s existing ICT expertise and management experience and launched new operations in the biotechnology and clean energy sectors, contributing to the city’s diversified industrial structure.