As we enter the second decade of the 21st century A Million Internet Users Join Forces to Create a Record of the Future 21世紀第2個10年百萬網友協同創作未來紀事
Keeping pace with the latest international trends, iDEAS magazine has been using the integration of the virtual and the real to create new talking points, and has been seeking to benefit from the collective intelligence of Internet users to identify the iDEAS Five Major Technology Developments of 2011. iDEAs’ constant innovation in terms of the way its content is delivered has written a new page in the history of the publishing industry in Taiwan.
E-Magazines were attracting a great deal of attention in the second half of 2010; i-Pad versions of magazines were seen as the potential “savior” of traditional media. However, actual sales performance was disappointing. Sales of e-magazines in the U.S. rapidly fell off, causing print media companies to re-think their strategy. iDEAS brought together online communities and leading figures in the media to work together on the creation, discussion and presentation of Web 3.0 style issues, creating an experimental new media format that uses the integration of the virtual and the real to create brand-new content through collective brainstorming, identifying for iDEAS readers the iDEAS Five Major Technology Developments of 2011.
2010年下半年風起雲湧的雜誌電子書,被視為傳統媒體「救世主」的雜誌iPad版,銷售情況卻跌破大家的眼鏡。美國雜誌電子書銷量快速下滑,讓平面媒體經營者重新思考。《創新發現誌(ideas)》結合台灣網路社群與媒體先驅,共同參與Web 3.0式議題產生、討論與發表的新媒體型態實驗,透過虛實整合、社群集體腦力激盪的全新內容產生方式,為讀者勾勒2011年「iDEAS」五大科技新趨勢。
These five major developments in technology are:
1. iPad Upsurging?
2. Dead Tree Media Struggling
3. E-Commerce Transforming
4. Advertising & PR Ever-Changing
5. Social Media Emerging
一、iPad Upsurging 蘋果iPad獨領風騷?
二、Dead Tree Media Struggling 死樹媒體掙扎求生
三、E-Commerce Transforming 電子商務變形金剛-團購
四、Advertising&PR Ever-Changing 廣告公關變化萬千
五、Social Media Emerging 社群媒體方興未艾
After 96 hours of diffusion, a total of 214 constructive responses were received for the 5 key themes and 9 major sub-themes. With regard to the “iPad Upsurging?” issue, the vast majority of Internet users agreed that the iPad was indeed surging ahead, and that Apple’s iPad2 would be one of the main talking points of 2011. A sub-theme here was the conflict between supporters of Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android. Here, both iOS fans and Android supporters were able to make convincing points in favor of their preferred operating system, and the end result was a draw; it looks as though the battle between iOS and Android in 2011 will be a fierce one!
經96小時的擴散,五大議題、九大子題各獲得214則具有建設性的回應,在「蘋果iPad獨領風騷?」議題中,獲網友壓倒性支持,認為2011年,蘋果iPad2仍是重要趨勢與話題;另一子題則是蘋果iOS與Google Android支持者網路大論戰,雙方各擅勝場,支持者平分秋色,看來,這場商戰在2011年還有得打!
E-Magazines were attracting a great deal of attention in the second half of 2010; i-Pad versions of magazines were seen as the potential “savior” of traditional media. However, actual sales performance was disappointing. Sales of e-magazines in the U.S. rapidly fell off, causing print media companies to re-think their strategy. iDEAS brought together online communities and leading figures in the media to work together on the creation, discussion and presentation of Web 3.0 style issues, creating an experimental new media format that uses the integration of the virtual and the real to create brand-new content through collective brainstorming, identifying for iDEAS readers the iDEAS Five Major Technology Developments of 2011.
2010年下半年風起雲湧的雜誌電子書,被視為傳統媒體「救世主」的雜誌iPad版,銷售情況卻跌破大家的眼鏡。美國雜誌電子書銷量快速下滑,讓平面媒體經營者重新思考。《創新發現誌(ideas)》結合台灣網路社群與媒體先驅,共同參與Web 3.0式議題產生、討論與發表的新媒體型態實驗,透過虛實整合、社群集體腦力激盪的全新內容產生方式,為讀者勾勒2011年「iDEAS」五大科技新趨勢。
These five major developments in technology are:
1. iPad Upsurging?
2. Dead Tree Media Struggling
3. E-Commerce Transforming
4. Advertising & PR Ever-Changing
5. Social Media Emerging
一、iPad Upsurging 蘋果iPad獨領風騷?
二、Dead Tree Media Struggling 死樹媒體掙扎求生
三、E-Commerce Transforming 電子商務變形金剛-團購
四、Advertising&PR Ever-Changing 廣告公關變化萬千
五、Social Media Emerging 社群媒體方興未艾
After 96 hours of diffusion, a total of 214 constructive responses were received for the 5 key themes and 9 major sub-themes. With regard to the “iPad Upsurging?” issue, the vast majority of Internet users agreed that the iPad was indeed surging ahead, and that Apple’s iPad2 would be one of the main talking points of 2011. A sub-theme here was the conflict between supporters of Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android. Here, both iOS fans and Android supporters were able to make convincing points in favor of their preferred operating system, and the end result was a draw; it looks as though the battle between iOS and Android in 2011 will be a fierce one!
經96小時的擴散,五大議題、九大子題各獲得214則具有建設性的回應,在「蘋果iPad獨領風騷?」議題中,獲網友壓倒性支持,認為2011年,蘋果iPad2仍是重要趨勢與話題;另一子題則是蘋果iOS與Google Android支持者網路大論戰,雙方各擅勝場,支持者平分秋色,看來,這場商戰在2011年還有得打!