Getting an early start on making money – For young people, there is no reason why starting your own business should just be a dream Portraits of young entrepreneurs in different countries around the w

Young people who have grown up in the Internet era have technical skills that their elders lack; many of these 15 – 20 year-olds also display strong entrepreneurial drive and ambition. In Taiwan, Shen Hsin-Ling set up her own SOHO business at the age of 12 and began designing websites for business enterprises. In the U.S. 20-year-old Jessica Mah has already started three businesses; the online cashflow management firm that she founded recently has already attracted more than US$1.2 million in investment. In Mexico, 20-year-old Daniel Esteban Gmez Iiguez is chairman of a biomass energy firm that has already earned more than US$1 million in sales revenue …
誕生於網路世代的青少年,多了科技利器,於少年十五二十時,也能一展豪氣干雲的雄心壯志,勇於築夢踏實衝創業。在台灣,沈芯菱12歲就成立了個人工作室,開始為工商團體架設網站;在美國20歲的Jessica Mah已經三度創業,最新成立的金流管理網路公司,一個月內就得到超過120萬美金的投資;在墨西哥,年僅20歲的生質能源科技公司董事長Daniel Esteban Gmez Iiguez已經創造1百萬美金的營收……

What special capabilities do today’s young people have that help them to start their own business? James Lin, founder of appWorks Ventures, who has been involved in providing funding and guidance for online startups for several years, and Roy Thomasson, founder of the Young Americas Business Trust (YABT), have both found that the motivation that leads young people to set up their own business is often a sense of dissatisfaction with existing products and services; this dissatisfaction stimulates them to use their creativity to bring about improvements, which they want to share with other people so that they can win recognition for their work. Being able to develop business opportunities and make a profit is not necessarily their main consideration; rather, they are passionate about creating the best product or service that they can.
現在的青少年有什麼創業能量?長期投資輔導網路新創事業的之初創投(appWorks Ventures)創辦人林之晨與美洲青年創業基金(Young Americas Business Trust,簡稱YABT)創辦人Roy Thomasson都發現,青少年創業的動機,往往是對現有的產品、服務感到不滿意,激發他們發揮創意去改造它,並想跟更多人分享,得到肯定。是否能因此開創商機、獲利,並不是他們思考的重心。因此,他們反而會投入源源不絕的熱情,努力做到最好。

Thanks to the evolution of technology, young people now have the tools needed to access information from all over the world, along with new potential for innovation and learning. Their lives benefit from richer mental stimulation that helps to drive creativity and provide a solid foundation for new business start-up. Thanks to communication tools such as social network sites, Skype etc., it has become easier for young people to make friends in other countries. The Internet speeds up the flow of information, while the sharing of collective wisdom helps to lower the linguistic obstacles to the accessing of information.