A new paradigm for the technology-enabled services sector The list of the Top 20 most innovative brands in the Taiwanese ICT sector has been announced! 科技服務業新典範 ICT企業20大創新力品牌出爐
The ideas Best Choice ICT activity to have people vote for the Top 20 most innovative brands in Taiwan’s information and communications technology (ICT) sector was jointly organized by the Institute for Information Industry’s ideas magazine and “iT Power,” Taiwan’s largest specialist ICT online community. The aim of the activity was to identify the new “paradigms” that are displaying the most innovation in Taiwan’s technology-enabled services sector. The awards ceremony for the activity was held on November 9.
ideas Best Choice ICT企業20大創新力品牌票選活動是由資策會《創新發現誌(ideas)》與國內最大資訊專家社群藍色小舖(iT Power)共同主辦,旨在標舉台灣科技服務業創新力典範。於11月9日舉行頒獎。
Dr. Lee Chih-Kung, President of the Institute for Information Industry (III), gave an address at the awards ceremony in which he noted that ideas magazine had made “opening up” the major theme of the voting activity, and of the related forum discussion. Dr. Lee noted that, currently, traditional “control media” and the emerging social media” exist side-by-side in the media environment, and that ideas had adopted a bold, social media type approach towards inviting experts and online communities to participate in the voting activity.
資策會執行長李世光致詞表示,《創新發現誌(ideas)》以「從封閉走向開放」作為整個票選及論壇活動訴求,在媒體環境同時並存傳統的Control Media及未來新興社群媒體Social Media時,大膽嘗試以Social Media的精神,邀請專家及社群共同參與整個選拔過程。
The list of companies that have made the Top 20 highlights the vibrant development of the industry. The venerable brands that constitute the bedrock of the ICT sector have been working to refresh their brand images (examples include Chunghwa Telecom, IBM, etc.). At the same time, the rapid growth of social networking has given rise to important new companies such as Google and Facebook. Many of the award-winning firms have focused on developing their capabilities in specialist fields; companies such as Data Systems Consulting, D-Link and GSS have achieved outstanding performance in particular market segments. Other firms have worked to integrate ICT applications with the cultural and creative industries, with folk traditions, and with local culture, one outstanding example of which is Chyshy in Eastern Taiwan.
Dr. Hsi-peng Lu, Dean of the School of Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, gave an address on the subject of “Meeting the Challenge of the Constantly Changing Markets of the Future – Using Open Innovation to Build Enterprise Capabilities.” Dr. Lu’s address presented some complex ideas in an easy-to-understand manner, using four different versions of the story of the tortoise and the hare to emphasize the need to “Do things right!” in the market of the future, and the importance of getting the right direction, having the right capabilities, knowing your market, and recognizing that linkage and cooperation are the ultimate keys to success.
台灣科技大學管理學院院長盧希鵬以「迎戰瞬息萬變的未來市場—建立開放創新的企業力」為題演講,內容由淺入深,特別以四次「龜兔賽跑」的故事,強調未來市場的能力是 Do things right!(把事情做對),但是方向要對、要有能力、要看清市場,最後致勝的關鍵是連結與合作。
ideas Best Choice ICT企業20大創新力品牌票選活動是由資策會《創新發現誌(ideas)》與國內最大資訊專家社群藍色小舖(iT Power)共同主辦,旨在標舉台灣科技服務業創新力典範。於11月9日舉行頒獎。
Dr. Lee Chih-Kung, President of the Institute for Information Industry (III), gave an address at the awards ceremony in which he noted that ideas magazine had made “opening up” the major theme of the voting activity, and of the related forum discussion. Dr. Lee noted that, currently, traditional “control media” and the emerging social media” exist side-by-side in the media environment, and that ideas had adopted a bold, social media type approach towards inviting experts and online communities to participate in the voting activity.
資策會執行長李世光致詞表示,《創新發現誌(ideas)》以「從封閉走向開放」作為整個票選及論壇活動訴求,在媒體環境同時並存傳統的Control Media及未來新興社群媒體Social Media時,大膽嘗試以Social Media的精神,邀請專家及社群共同參與整個選拔過程。
The list of companies that have made the Top 20 highlights the vibrant development of the industry. The venerable brands that constitute the bedrock of the ICT sector have been working to refresh their brand images (examples include Chunghwa Telecom, IBM, etc.). At the same time, the rapid growth of social networking has given rise to important new companies such as Google and Facebook. Many of the award-winning firms have focused on developing their capabilities in specialist fields; companies such as Data Systems Consulting, D-Link and GSS have achieved outstanding performance in particular market segments. Other firms have worked to integrate ICT applications with the cultural and creative industries, with folk traditions, and with local culture, one outstanding example of which is Chyshy in Eastern Taiwan.
Dr. Hsi-peng Lu, Dean of the School of Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, gave an address on the subject of “Meeting the Challenge of the Constantly Changing Markets of the Future – Using Open Innovation to Build Enterprise Capabilities.” Dr. Lu’s address presented some complex ideas in an easy-to-understand manner, using four different versions of the story of the tortoise and the hare to emphasize the need to “Do things right!” in the market of the future, and the importance of getting the right direction, having the right capabilities, knowing your market, and recognizing that linkage and cooperation are the ultimate keys to success.
台灣科技大學管理學院院長盧希鵬以「迎戰瞬息萬變的未來市場—建立開放創新的企業力」為題演講,內容由淺入深,特別以四次「龜兔賽跑」的故事,強調未來市場的能力是 Do things right!(把事情做對),但是方向要對、要有能力、要看清市場,最後致勝的關鍵是連結與合作。