Satisfy Me or Else!30 Internet Shopping Business Opportunities 給我滿意 其餘免談 30個網購商機大蒐羅

Dissatisfaction: I don’t need all the features; please let me have it for half the price.
Opportunity 1: Customization allows consumers to only buy what they need.
Similar to how ten or twenty years ago customers could decide which parts they wanted or did not want when buying a computer in Guanghua Shopping Center and assemble their computers on their own, if Internet stores nowadays could also provide customized shopping experiences, prices could be lowered significantly. By allowing customers to buy the parts separately, choose the components and assemble the finished product themselves, completely customize the purchasing, pay for the entire product in installments, pay for only the features they use, and not have to pay the remaining payments if they return the product before the deadline, etc., vendors can cater to customers’ tendency to become bored with old things easily and gain a price advantage.

Dissatisfaction: As long as the product is good and cheap, I don’t care if it’s a knockoff.
Opportunity 2: There’s definitely a market for low-end luxury and second-hand designer items.
Low-end products are highlighted in Japanese business strategist Kenichi Ohmae’s M-shape Society and the knockoff phenomenon that originated in China has spread to the rest of the world. Now that knockoffs are considered legitimate and designer brands are no longer necessary, such lower-end products have become sought after in developing and newly-emerged markets. Therefore, if consumers wish to acquire a product with the design and quality of a designer product, provided that no copyright is violated, by asking a manufacturer to produce the desired product for them and negotiating a lower price for bulk purchase, they can get the low-end luxury item they want.