Dubberly Design Office’s Top Designer Hugh Dubberly:Think about service first before the software and hardware The threshold must be lowered in order to win the market Dubberly Design Office首席設計師Hugh

We interviewed Dubberly Design Office’s top designer Hugh Dubberly, who has many years of experience in service design and interactive design. We asked him to consider the potential of Taiwanese industry to transform from a manufacturing to a service orientation and to offer suggestions based on his years of experience in interactive and service design while working at Apple and Netscape.
本刊特別訪問在服務設計及互動設計方面具有多年經驗的Dubberly Design Office首席設計師Hugh Dubberly,以他之前任職於蘋果公司(Apple)及網景公司(Netscape)的多年互動與服務設計經驗,檢視台灣產業由製造業轉型至服務業上的潛力,並提供建言。

Dubberly says that you don’t have to rack your brains to find new opportunities in the service industry; in the future, all industries will become service industries, and therefore opportunities will abound.

There are many traditionally run, small to medium sized service enterprises in Taiwan, such as small eateries and apparel shops. Dubberly pointed out that when the company is small, it should be able to try changing its service content at a faster rate and respond rapidly upon receiving customers’ feedback, which will improve the quality of its services.