Generating Millions of Hits The Magic Formula for a Video’s Instant Success 創造百萬點閱率 影片暴紅必勝方程式

For a video to captivate the attention of viewers and generate millions of hits, it has to interest as many people as possible and tempt them to click on its link, regardless of its presentation or length. For a video to be appealing, it has to feature not only unique and exciting content but should also be topical, unique, artistic, and resonate with the viewer.


After much discussion and analysis, ideas’s SIG experts concluded that a video must be designed to deliver direct, artistic, powerful, relevent, and unique messages. In terms of cast, professionalism should be considered but should not be the determining factor. The popularity of a video relies heavily on peer-to-peer recommendation and how strongly it is marketed, so that it spreads in a widening social network. The experts concluded that the task of generating millions of hits does not rest on the shoulders of one microfilm alone. If need be, a number of microfilms can be advertised together, all delivering the same message, so as to produce an effect that is multiple times greater.


Content is the key determinant in the long-term success of a video. Unlike conventional films which target the mass public, microfilms cater to individuals, so their content plays an even more important role. The major reason for addressing the individual viewer is that microfilms are mainly viewed on mobile devices via the Internet. As such, they cannot be overly long, and their content should focus on individual stories such as common personal experiences, popular tourist spots, shared events, and popular things.
