身價非凡的經典家具Butterfly Stool、Lounge Chair或者Hans Wegner的Shell Chair等,它們的共同特色就是經由木材膠合板製作而成;這個現代工業革命的產物,改變了幾百年來家具的形態,成為建築師及工業設計師探索新形式的理想素材。
The common feature about classic furniture such as Butterfly Stool, Lounge Chair or Hans Wegner's Shell Chair etc. is that they are all made from plywood. The product of modern industrial revolution has changed the form of furniture over the centuries and become the ideal material for architects and industrial designers.
日本設計大師柳宗理的經典之作「蝴蝶椅」(Butterfly Stool),是不少人認識設計師家具的開始,由兩片對稱木材膠合板(plywood)彎曲出宛如蝴蝶翅膀般的優雅曲線,當中僅以金屬細棍連結支撐張力,堪稱力學與美學的跨世紀傑作。自1954年萬國博覽會「蝴蝶椅」發表之後,大家對於木材能彎曲出如此完美弧線感到驚訝不已,這就是木材膠合板的神奇魅力。
Japanese maestro designer Sori Yanagi's Butterfly Stool employs two symmetrical pieces of plywood to sculpt the elegant butterfly wing like contour. Since it was debuted in 1954, people were astounded by how wood could create such beautiful lines. This is the magical charm of plywood.
The common feature about classic furniture such as Butterfly Stool, Lounge Chair or Hans Wegner's Shell Chair etc. is that they are all made from plywood. The product of modern industrial revolution has changed the form of furniture over the centuries and become the ideal material for architects and industrial designers.
日本設計大師柳宗理的經典之作「蝴蝶椅」(Butterfly Stool),是不少人認識設計師家具的開始,由兩片對稱木材膠合板(plywood)彎曲出宛如蝴蝶翅膀般的優雅曲線,當中僅以金屬細棍連結支撐張力,堪稱力學與美學的跨世紀傑作。自1954年萬國博覽會「蝴蝶椅」發表之後,大家對於木材能彎曲出如此完美弧線感到驚訝不已,這就是木材膠合板的神奇魅力。
Japanese maestro designer Sori Yanagi's Butterfly Stool employs two symmetrical pieces of plywood to sculpt the elegant butterfly wing like contour. Since it was debuted in 1954, people were astounded by how wood could create such beautiful lines. This is the magical charm of plywood.