Game App Craze Sweeps the World What's the Next Big Thing? App遊戲瘋席捲全球 下一個機會點在哪?

In the last two years, Applications for smart phones, or "apps," have become the new digital superstars. Hendrik Koekkoek, an analyst for the Dutch market survey firm Distimo, said that Apple's App Store still occupies the top market share position. While game apps make up less than one-quarter of all the apps in the App Store, they generate the most revenue for developers and the App Store.
智慧型手機讓應用程式(Application) 成為近兩年來最「給力」的數位巨星。荷蘭市場調查機構Distimo的分析師Hendrik Koekkoek表示,在所有App市場中,蘋果的App Store仍占了主要市場,遊戲App占所有蘋果App Store中應用程式不到4分之1,但遊戲對於應用程式業者及App Store營收貢獻度,卻是最高。

Hendrik Koekkoek's analysis suggests that while most apps in Apple's App Store are free, 7.2% to 15% of apps are not. Distimo’s statistics indicate that 72% of the top 300 paid apps are categorized as “games.”
Hendrik Koekkoek分析,雖然多數蘋果App Store中的應用程式都是免費,但有7.2%到15%必須付費,據Distimo統計,在必須付費的前300個熱門應用程式中,高達7成2屬於遊戲類。

Currently, the U.S. is still the primary market for game apps and accounts for over 50% of the global market. On average, the top 300 games are downloaded 2.5 million times a day. The second largest market is China with 720,000 downloads a day.

At present, 54% of Apple's paid game apps are dominated by 300 games provided by 10 developers. New developers will face stiff competition if they want to enter this market.

Caption:Distimo’s statistics indicate that 72% of the top 300 paid apps are categorized as “games.”