Connecting Virtual Communities with Putao—Net Meeting Celebration Shows Power of the Popular Economy 葡萄藤串起虛擬世界的社群熱情 網聚嘉年華 展現庶民經濟活力

It's human nature to look for other people with similar interests. Technologies like the Internet and mobile broadband simply provide people with the tools and means to fulfill these needs. The transition from virtual to real-world gatherings is also a part of this process. Using real-world activities to strengthen the bond between members of a virtual community has become a part of community life.

The "Qixi Gathering" organized by and the Taso Youth Care Foundation is a large-scale real-world net meeting that attempted to integrate the virtual community with the real-world community in New Taipei City's Linkou District. Combining the elements of community celebrations, regional farmer's markets, community shops, the traditional Qixi festival and singles' parties, the celebration attracted hundreds of people including families and young men and women from Linkou and nearby areas.

Jun-cheng Hong, the event organizer and CEO of Taso Knowledge Bank, said that the main goal of the event was to break down the apathy and feeling of isolation that virtual environments create in real-world communities.

Caption: organized "Qixi Gathering" to break down the apathy and feeling of isolation that virtual environments create in real-world communities.