Zynga Japan General Manager Yamada Shintaro: Nothing Will Stop the Social Media + Mobile Game Juggernaut Zynga日本總經理山田進太郎:社群遊戲大未來 Social+mobile趨勢不可擋

Yamada Shintaro, the general manager of the social game developer Zynga Japan, recently shared his startup experience on a visit to Taiwan. He suggested two simple principles: First, what can you do? Do whatever it is you are interested in. Second, the only path to success is to work hard to achieve your goal; give up and you will be left with nothing.
社交遊戲開發商Zynga日本總經理山田進太郎(Yamada Shintaro)日前來台分享其創業經驗。他提出簡單的兩個原則:第一、發掘自己可以做些什麼?就做你感興趣的任何事;第二、成功的唯一辦法,就是努力達成目標,一旦放棄了,就什麼都沒有了。

While his peers all followed the traditional path of working for large corporations, Yamada decided to start his own company after graduating from university. Yamada said: "I've met a lot of outstanding students all the way from primary school to university. I would've been no match for such talented people in a large company!" This "inferiority complex" led to him create his own company. Yamada founded the web company Unoh to provide multimedia design services. When the social game "Machitsuku" developed by Unoh became a runaway success in Japan, Yamada’s social status and Unoh’s financial status rose quickly. In 2010, the North American social game company Zynga decided to acquire Unoh as their Japanese subsidiary.

Why was Yamada willing to sell the company he founded? Yamada said that he founded Unoh to create services that can be used across the world. His goal wasn't to build a business empire, but to deliver great service.

Caption: Yamada said that he founded Unoh to create services that can be used across the world. His goal wasn't to build a business empire, but to deliver great service.