Finding an antidote to the media Apps and society 尋找媒體解藥—社會生活裡的App

Last year, a leading Taiwanese academic sparked off a storm of criticism by warning young people that “Successful people don’t use Weibo (a popular micro-blogging site)!” Recently, famous lyricist Fang Wen-shan and author Huang Ch’un-ming have made similar comments, suggesting that people should spend more time reading physical books, because when you access content in media format the images are already there for you; you are not forced to use your imagination as you are when reading a book.

Clearly, people working in culture and the arts feel that hi-tech media can cause serious harm. They believe that it can have negative effects that range from the relatively minor (such as difficulty in concentrating) to reduced mental activity, to physical injury, and even, in extreme cases, to death.

There has been many empirical studies and critiques produced by sociologists showing how the media (including movies, TV, etc.) uses the flow of visual and aural images to manipulate the senses and manipulate symbols, directly impacting on the audience’s conscious and subconscious mind, and causing emotional disturbance and even abnormal or unhinged behavior. Nevertheless, despite these warnings from experts and academics, the fact remains that, throughout history, human society has developed not in the safest direction, but rather in pursuit of its passions and enthusiasms. We need to be ready to coexist with this kind of media-induced harm; we cannot eliminate it from our lives, but we can think about ways to mitigate the problem.

Much the same applies to online media and computer gaming. It seems safe to assume that, with the passage of time, they will evolve into an open, autonomous, wide-reaching form of media that meets our daily needs for reading and communication, rather than merely being something we use for short-term sensory and emotion stimulation when we are tired or stressed.

Caption:Despite these warnings from experts and academics, the fact remains that, throughout history, human society has developed not in the safest direction, but rather in pursuit of its passions and enthusiasms.