According to National Youth Commission Minister Chen Yi-Chen:The National Youth Commission needs to "market" the government's policies, so that young people realize that someone is making a serious ef

Today’s young people are generally faced with the problems of high unemployment and increasing impoverishment. Given that today’s young people will have a major role to play in supporting society as a whole in the future, the constantly changing competitive environment of today makes the challenges facing the National Youth Commission that much harder to overcome. National Youth Commission Minister Chen Yi-Chen explains that the Commission’s responsibilities include respecting young people’s autonomy, helping young people who are members of disadvantaged groups, and helping young people with career planning, etc. She says that, currently, the most pressing issue for the Commission is the growing impoverishment of young people. This is not a problem that any one government agency can solve on its own; the National Youth Commission’s responsibility here is to undertake the “frontline” work. So what does this “frontline” work involve? It involves providing young people with vocational training before they begin work. By providing opportunities to take part in work/study programs, internships and work experience programs, the Commission is helping to overcome the obstacles that make it hard for young people to find work.

Besides work/study programs and internships, the National Youth Commission is also always encouraging young people to undertake voluntary work. Currently, the Commission has around a dozen volunteering centers through Taiwan, and seven “Volunteer Colleges,” which help to provide opportunities to participate in a wide range of voluntary service areas. Through the use of activities such as volunteer training camps, youth volunteer forums, etc., the Commission encourages young people to engage in voluntary work. In this way, besides making a contribution to society, young people can also benefit from the planning, leadership and resource coordination skills that they will develop through volunteering.