發行日期: 2011 年 09 月 19 日2011年42期
A distinguishing feature of the Web 2.0 era is the shift from a "closed" to "open" society.Web 2.0時代的特色之一,便是整體社會從「封閉」,走向「開放」。One of the factors behind t… 詳全文
本期其他文章 看前期雜誌
A Rising Power… Future Demand Generates New Opportunities新勢力崛起中…未來需求引爆全新商機

A Rising Power… Future Demand Generates … (By Chung-Kwang Yu 文/游重光)

A distinguishing feature of the Web 2.0 era is the shift from a "closed" to "open" society.Web 2.0時代的特色之一,便是整體社會從「封閉」,走向「開放」。One of the factors behind t… 詳全文

Game App Craze Sweeps the World What's the Next Big Thing? App遊戲瘋席捲全球 下一個機會點在哪?

Game App Craze Sweeps the World What's… (By Li-chi Lin 文/林立綺)

In the last two years, Applications for smart phones, or "apps," have become the new digital superstars. Hendrik Koekkoek, an analyst for the Dutch market survey firm Distimo, said that App… 詳全文

Research Experts Outline New “Blue Ocean” for Connected TV 產學研專家勾勒聯網電視新藍海

Research Experts Outline New “Blue Ocea… (By Xiuzhu Hu 文/胡秀珠)

Taiwan is now actively promoting the development of "Connected TV" (or Smart TV). Currently, connected TV is a new global “blue ocean” market, and the first company to integrate the suppl… 詳全文

Connecting Virtual Communities with Putao—Net Meeting Celebration Shows Power of the Popular Economy  葡萄藤串起虛擬世界的社群熱情 網聚嘉年華 展現庶民經濟活力

Connecting Virtua… (By Zhenjia Qin 文/秦振家)

It's human nature to look for other people with similar interests. Technologies like the Internet and mobile broadband simply provide people with the tools and means to fulfill these needs. The trans… 詳全文

Zynga Japan General Manager Yamada Shintaro: Nothing Will Stop the Social Media + Mobile Game Juggernaut Zynga日本總經理山田進太郎:社群遊戲大未來 Social+mobile趨勢不可擋

Zynga Ja… (By Qiong-yu Yan 文/顏瓊玉)

Yamada Shintaro, the general manager of the social game developer Zynga Japan, recently shared his startup experience on a visit to Taiwan. He suggested two simple principles: First, what can you do?… 詳全文